The Need


I'm just sitting here this morning, thinking about all I need to get done today. I bet you have a long list too. As I look at my must-dos, and what-can-waits and sip a bit of my second cup of coffee, I hear my heart sigh. It's a good sigh - not like those long ones that signal I don't know what to do. It was a simple, gentle, surprisingly content sigh. And as it escaped my body, I heard my heart say, I need You. 

There was no prayer request, not really any prayer at all. I didn't need what God could do for me. I just need Him. It's so easy to get lost in our long list of prayer requests and crazy caregiver thoughts. There were no thoughts of "needs" before the sigh. It actually kind of surprised me too! I just need Him, and it's not even that I need Him to do anything. Just that my soul was welcoming His presence into my day. 

During my morning devotions earlier, I was reading through Psalm 145. David wrote it, but it's a bit different than some of his other psalms. He isn't asking for a thing in Psalm 145. David isn't pouring out his heart about troublesome matters or his enemies, or his dire circumstances. He is just talking about God's greatness. 

And in verse 18, David says that God is near to everyone who calls on Him in earnest. So, I can surmise by that, that He is near. As I heard my heart cry out for Him, He moved nearer - if that is even possible. Maybe it's just that I am more aware of His presence because I want to be.

Today, I encourage you to take a few minutes to just tell God you need His presence - not His presents. :-) I'm going to rejoice in the truth that He is right here - walking this journey with me. I'll take my eyes off the giants that may be out there and look past them to the great, magnificent, loving God. He will me my focus today - will you join me?


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