Digging Deep

me helping chris stand

 I don't want to get up. That was what was running through my mind this morning. My morning routine is to get up and make coffee. While the coffee is making, it's the perfect time to change Chris, turn him in the bed, and give him a little water in his tube to start the day. Then, I grab my coffee and my Bible and go sit up in my bed. By the time I finish my coffee and devotions, it's time to hit the ground running. But this morning, I just didn't want to. But then I remembered, oh yeah, I have to do everything. 

Ever felt that way?

Sometimes, my biggest struggle is between taking care of Chris and getting all his stretches, standing, dressing, feeding, etc., in for a day - and trying to get work done for my clients. It can be draining and I always feel like I have to choose one or the other. This morning, it was just too much. So, I sipped some more coffee and prayed. (That's a novel idea!)

I asked God for wisdom on all sides. I asked Him to guide me into the most productive paths. I asked Him to help me. Well, it wasn't long until I was up and going and before I knew it, I had Chris bolused, my breakfast eaten and a second cup of coffee in hand. Here I sit. Feeling like the day is falling into place around me. Wow. How does God do that? 

Somehow, when we roll our cares over on Him (that's scriptural - 1 Peter 5:7) the things that matter begin to align. But I had to dig deep to get there. You know what I mean? There are times when I run to Him and I'm like - okay God, here's all my stuff - help me sort it out! Then there are other times when I try to sort and sort to no avail. Finally, I have the grand idea to take it all to Him. Lol. Anyone relate?

You know what the coolest part is? It doesn't matter if I run to Him as soon as something crosses my mind or emotions, or I wait until I am crushed under the load. God always answers. He fills me up so I can make another day. His peace overwhelms my overwhelmed heart. It's almost like He pushes a button that turns overwhelm off - just so I can think, and breathe.

Today, I will continue to remind myself to roll all my cares over to Him - even if it means digging deep into my soul. And even if it means doing it over and over again until it sticks. I'll let Him care for me (be my caregiver) today. And I'll trust His loving, patient care for one more day. Will you join me?


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