Grace Enough

Chris smiling while hanging out at a park with me

 The holidays are particularly hard for many caregivers. I'm kinda used to not getting together with family during the holidays; there's usually some reason. Last year, we'd been exposed to Covid on Christmas Eve and missed the family get-together. Today, it's just too cold to take Chris out, even though it's warmed up to a balmy 16 degrees! Not being able to celebrate traditional holidays can make the loneliness we feel year-round seem even deeper. I'm so thankful that His grace is enough to carry us through every lonely moment. Sometimes, it's in the darkest hours of our souls that we find His sustaining grace. 

We can rest assured that His grace is enough for the holidays too. Jesus doesn't take Christmas off, even though He could celebrate His "birthday." Lol. Whether we have a house full of loved ones and gifts, or we are spending the days alone with our loved ones, His grace is enough. 

About this time of year, I start reflecting on the year we are leaving and looking forward to the new beginnings of a new year. I also plan some changes for the new year. I'm going to be more Bible teaching on my YouTube channel and am still working to narrow down my ideas, so there's some structure. (I have WAY too many ideas and not enough time!) Of course, this blog will remain in my plans for the next year - I'd just like to see myself improve on consistency! But whether I'm looking back or forward, His grace is enough. 

I look back from last Christmas to this holiday season and see a lot of changes and improvements. I have seen His grace work in so many ways, and I plan to keep open eyes moving forward. I'll be keeping a lookout for His grace in action in my life. I hope you'll join me in celebrating and actively seeking His grace, for it is His grace that carries us through caregiving days.

Today, as I spend Christmas Eve alone with my son, I'll adopt an attitude of thankfulness. I'll remind myself of all that God has done for us this last year and how His blessing continues. My heart will be set on thanksgiving for His grace that never runs out, never runs low, and is always "enough" for each day - and that includes today. I'll keep an eye out for threads of grace running through my day today as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

Check out this morning's Facebook live on His grace.


I have two bookstores filled with Bible study guides, poetry books, and devotionals; check out my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore and my Amazon shelf. 

If you're ever led to give to Dove's Fire Ministries:

CashApp: $JeanieOlinger



  1. I am the sole caregiver of my husband who suffered a massive stroke 3 years ago. Your devotions are so inspiring for me. A lot of them sure hit the nail on the head for what I/we may be going through. Thank you and I wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's stroke. I'm glad you find some inspiration in the devotions. Knowing that someone is reading keeps me writing. I'm sorry you can relate to so many of the emotions that we deal with as caregivers. Thank you for reading and have a blessed Christmas and a great new year. Thank you for commenting.


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...