And God Knew

chris posing for a photo

 I just love how familiar scriptures can just jump out at you with something totally new. I know the word does not change, and it stands forever. But our circumstances, experiences, perspectives, and situations change often, which helps us to see those "new" tidbits from His word. It was there all along, right? But experiences grant us greater understanding. And this is exactly what happened to me this morning.

I'm reading the Bible through again this year, and this morning, I started Exodus. I am using a totally different translation than I usually use. Typically, I use the NASB and the NLT. Just for a little different "flavor," this year, I'm reading the English Standard Version. I have lots of thoughts on the first chapter of Exodus, but those may be for another blog. Lol. What grabbed me this morning was the last 3 verses of Exodus 2. The ESV says it this way. 

During those many days, the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jakob. God saw the people of Israel --and God knew.

For some reason, this morning, it just hit me that God knew. I know He knows. He sees. He is present, etc. But I found comfort this morning in reminding myself that He knows. He sees those sleepless nights. He knows the struggle of choosing work or caregiving. He knows my crazy thoughts and how they may run crazily rampant but always make their way back to Him. He knows. God even knows all those things we don't dare say out loud. He knew. 

Today, I will find peace and comfort in knowing that He sees and knows my entire situation. I'll remind myself that nothing is hidden from His sight - not even the deepest wordless, tearless groanings of my heart are hidden from Him. Knowing that He knows, sees, and understands will help me hand all my cares over to Him as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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