In My Tomorrow

 Earlier this week, I took an evening to sit at the piano and play some songs I've written. I have a big notebook of songs - some not worth mentioning, lol. But there are a few that I think are pretty good. Whether they are "good" or not - it's fun to sit and sing them from my heart, knowing that it's just between me and God.

I played and sang through so many different choruses, just enjoying the memories of when, where, and why they were written. Some were in response to a painful moment in my life, while others were just an overflowing of praise. I started at the front of the notebook and just played through them one at a time. Then I came to a little chorus I wrote in February of 1999. I recall some of the things that were going on in my life at the time as I penned these lyrics.

Some things in my life I can't deny

Some things still make me ask "why?"

But I can't deny  Your mercy

I can't deny Your grace

I can't deny the work of Your love

And I can't deny Your faithfulness to me.

For Your name has been a mighty, strong tower

You've been my refuge from the storm

You've kept me through the flood

and You've kept me through the fire

I can't deny Your faithfulness to me.

(C) 1999 J. Olinger

As I began to sing the second part - "Your name has been a might strong tower," I was overcome by emotions as I realized what I'd gone through since these words were penned. I realized the faithfulness of God that kept me yesterday - had been in my tomorrows all along. As a matter of fact, it's still keeping me! I tried to sing, but the tears won out, and I felt such joy. I saw how He had literally kept me all these years through many floods, fires, and other crazy situations. Gratitude doesn't even come close enough to describe my thankfulness. He's never left me - as a matter of fact, it seems more like He had grace prepared to carry me through whenever I reached a new tomorrow.

Today, I'll reflect on how He has continued to supply the grace I need. I'll think about how He has kept me no matter how hot the fires of life got or how deep the waters ran. And I'll remind myself that He prepared for me to trust Him today while I was still in my yesterday. And while I am in today - He's got grace ready for tomorrow. I can trust Him to keep me covered as I journey through one more day - will you join me?

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