New Year - Same Stuff

me and chris

 We woke up yesterday to a brand new year; yay! But it didn't take but a few seconds to realize there wasn't some magic transition from 11:59:59 in 2022 to 12:00:00 in 2023. Absolutely nothing but the time and date changed. So, here we are in a new year with all the same stuff. We're still caregiving and we still have to take care of all the daily chores and tasks that need to get done when caring for another whole person. Hmmm.

Like many of you, I have set some goals for myself this year. Most of them are fitness oriented, and some have to do with my writing. (I want to write more devotionals, etc.) Healthier eating options, more activity during my days - as I can squeeze them in. But all in all - it's the same today as it was yesterday. And I'm pretty sure tomorrow may be the same. Of course, even in our day-to-day "routines" (I use that term loosely) there are so many unexpected things we deal with .

So, to be honest, as I woke up yesterday to a new year, I was a bit down. I encouraged myself a little bit by looking back over the year and thinking about a few things that have changed for the better. That doesn't mean they were easy, though. How do you encourage yourself when you start the day with those sorts of thoughts?

I started with this - His mercies are new every morning. Every new morning for us, whether it's New Year's Day, or not - starts with fresh mercies and grace to make the day. What happens in the course of the day may be anyone's guess, but the end is that we'll look back and see that He carried us through with His mercy and grace one more time.I'm learning to focus on that each day. sometimes, I have to break each situation down mentally and focus on His grace. By His grace here we are right here today. And by His grace we'll face another day - one day at a time until they make another year. Then, once again, we'll look back and be amazed that He carried us through all that again!

Today, I'll spend some time reflecting on how He has carried me and cared for me to this point in time.I'll think back about the journey and how His mercy and grace have undergirded me the whole way, whether I acknowledged it or not. My thoughts will turn to meditations on His goodness and how He continues to watch over this topsy-turvey caregiving life I live. I will think about how He is the stabelizer - for my soul, and I'll thank Him for one more day at His table. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

Check out my bookstores. I have eBook devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. My Amazon bookshelf has a couple of those in print or on Kindle.

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