All the Gory Details

a little boy talking to chris at Holiday Inn

 You know I love the psalms, and this morning I found myself reading and rereading Psalm 37. There is a lot to hold onto in these few verses, but my mind got stuck on this one little phrase. Verse 23 says the steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. (NLT, 1995) My first thought was how precious that God is that involved in our lives that He walks with us through each day observing all we say and do. He is that ever-abiding presence who sees the tears and joys as they unfold every day. But then, I was like, wait. I'm a caregiver. Does God really involve Himself with all the gory details of the caregiver?

It can get pretty weird around here. We never know what a day may bring. But it always brings some things like feeding, transferring, bathing, dressing, and yes - changing the unmentionables. God sees all that? And still sticks around? The stuff we do every day for our loved ones is what scares most people away! But there stands God. Watching, caring, strengthening, and helping us through all the gory details of our day. 

He sees our tear-stained pillowcases and knows exactly how many pieces are hearts are broken into, day after day. Nothing misses His attention, and He even leans over closer to hear the words our tears can't say. He really is that close. But there's more - this verse says He delights in the details of our lives. Really? He is here for us and observes all those things our closest loved ones and friends try to avoid. God's not skeered of the things we need to do to care for our loved ones. He sees every motion, every movement, every intention and still hangs around, waiting for the perfect opportunities to dump His grace and mercy on us. He's invested in us - and can't part from our hearts. And get this - He doesn't want to. He doesn't need a break from the intensity others cannot handle or don't want to experience. 

Today, I will rejoice that God has not and will no abandon me in the mess. I'll be grateful that He wants to hang out with me as a caregiver. He doesn't need a big show  - real life is the platform that He will use to demonstrate His grace and mercy. I'm just a player taking part in His huge orchestration! My thoughts will be on His nearness today, as I trust Him to cover and carry me one more day. Will you join me?

Grab a free copy of Poems for Caregivers from my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore.

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