Is It All Broke?


I'm helping Chris stand

Do you ever have those times when you feel like everything is broken? Maybe it starts with an essential appliance, like the air conditioner or a dryer. Or, for some, it's a less-than-perfect primary vehicle. Other times, it can feel like it's the whole "system" that's broken and leaving caregivers stranded. Sometimes, it's our emotions that seem to be broken beyond repair. And on occasion - it can seem like everything has spiraled down to being broken all at one time. Beyond frustrating, right?

What are we supposed to do with all those crazy thoughts? How do we handle negative emotions that stem from stuff that's just not right? Let's see. We can file complaints that get lost or ignored, even ADA complaints. Talking to supervisors is useless. It can seem like no one wants to work anymore, they just want to get a check without expending much, if any, effort. We are left stranded in every sense of the word. Does God have a cubby hole for all that? Lol.

He does, in fact. I Peter 5:9 reminds us to cast all our cares on Him. Why - so He can care for us. But we often stop reading there after finding a bit of relief. The next verse starts with "be sober, be vigilant." Why? The enemy of our souls, of our faith, of our emotional and mental health - is roaming around just looking for someone to attack, and he hopes to devour our faith. Verse 9 says to resist him and be steadfast in our faith. Sounds complicated, right? It's not.

It's as simple as seeing all the crazy broken stuff and systems around us - and oftentimes being broken ourselves - but saying, even if - (fill in the blank!), I will continue to trust God. Sure, caregivers become weary, it's a package deal. And for far too many of us - there are no breaks. That's when we remind ourselves that God is faithful. He hasn't "taken a break" since He rested after creation. Lol.

Isaiah 40:28 reminds us that our God never grows weary or tired. (Does He not see our broken systems? Cause that wears me out!) As a matter of fact, verse 29 says that He gives power to the weak, and He increases strength for those who have no "might" left to draw from. No matter how broken our world, our hearts, or our emotions seem - He still has us. God is not broken and never will be. That lets me know that He is there for me to lean on when I feel the weakest, the most alone, the totally lost, and the saddest state of broken I've known.

Today, I will lean in to God a little closer and declare my trust in Him again. I'll place the broken pieces of my heart in His hands and let Him bring the healing that I need. I'll trust the One who formed me to put it all back in the right place at the right time. My declaration will be that I still trust Him. My meditation will be on His faithfulness. Will you join me?


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