Promise, Purpose, and the Passage

Eli walking beside Chris' chair on the Draper Trails

 Most of us have specific scriptures that we hold onto. My mom's was Isaiah 26:3 that says God will keep those in perfect peace, as we keep our minds on Him. Psalm 57:1 has been an anchor for my soul since 1986 when I ill, and the doctors couldn't find anything wrong. It speaks of trusting Him and remaining under His shelter until calamities have passed. One I've come to cling to in my caregiving journey is Isaiah 43, that promises the flood won't overflow us, and the fire we walk through won't devour us. Even when we are holding on to God with every ounce of strength we have - there's this in-between part. it happens between the promise and fulfillment. There's a period of time that becomes more about the journey.

God sent Moses to get the children of Israel out of Egypt. But as soon as they ran into difficulty at the Red Sea, they started talking about dying. They lost sight of where they were going, and the Who - had brought them out of Egypt with a mighty display of power. Basically, between the promise and the purpose, God used the passage to teach them about Him. They basically sat in the wilderness for 40 years while He told them who He was. During that time, they had to choose to hang onto the promise while they were making the passage.

David was crowned king, but there was quite a bit of time and lots of struggles before the crown was ever placed on his head. He learned to trust God in the passage while waiting on the fulfilled promise. Joseph had a promise, too, even though it may not have seemed like it while he sat in the dark prison cell all those years. But Joseph didn't let go of God's purpose while he was waiting on the promise to come to pass.

Caregiving can feel like the passage some days, most days. I know God said He'd be with me in my "no matter what," but this "no matter what" is really big, dark, and consuming. But our circumstances don't dictate a change in His promise. Whether we feel like we are walking around in circles in the wilderness, sitting life out in a dark prison cell, or waiting for God to crown us with His promises - the purpose is to find out who He really is. God showed Israel His power first and His character second. We can learn both no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.

Today, I purpose to know God's character - what He likes, and what He doesn't. I want to know who He is, not just what He can do. I'll be content in this passage as I know it will lead me to His promise. And I'll be thankful that He doesn't abandon me in the process; He just continues to reveal His purpose and promise in me and for me. I believe I can trust Him for one more day. Care to join me?


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