Still Trusting

Chris standing up in the apartment

 I woke up this morning to realize that I am still trusting God. How do I know it? Because the long list of to-dos and concerns running through my head were each one turned into a prayer. As I was praying through my mental list, I realized I was still trusting Him for answers. Even though they may not come immediately, by noon or in a way that I recognize them at all - the answers will come. Situations will be resolved. I'll get through. And in its most basic state - that is trust. That is faith.

I'll share my FaceBook Live video at the bottom of this post. In it, I shared that Jesus calmed the storm and said those beautiful words that we need to be spoken to our souls every day. Peace, be still. And then, He turned to the disciples and told them they had no faith. But He still calmed the storm. They were learning to trust Him from the inside out. I dare say that, as caregivers, that is what we do every single day.

Are you still reaching for Him? Do you still pray for answers? Do you continue to read the Bible to find an anchor for your soul to hold on to? Then you are still trusting too! It's easy to condemn ourselves for being in the middle of the storm, but just like the disciples, Jesus sent them to the other side. Our continued seeking, reaching, reading, and praying are all indicators that we still intensely need God. We haven't given up yet!

Sometimes, I get frustrated with God because I don't get the answer I want, or it doesn't come like I expected it. I also get frustrated with the storm. I get tired. Every once in a while, I'll think, why am I even praying. God doesn't care. But in a matter of minutes, something else comes up, and I find myself running to His throne with it in hand. Lol. I can't help myself - I trust God even when the boat is rocking to and fro. I bet you do too! So, give yourself a break!

Today, I am going to encourage my soul to rest in Him. I'll remind myself that I just keep trusting Him in and out of the storms life brings. My heart and my hands are continually lifted to the God I serve. I trust Him to calm the storms around me, even when I doubt. Even when I worry. Even when it all feels out of control. I can trust Him. You can trust Him. We can trust Him... can we join together in trusting Him for one more day?


  1. Your faith amazes me! Today I am struggling and feel it's just too much, but then I recall your message. Thanks for keeping me anchored. I pray for you and your son daily.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, thanks for reading, and thank you (mostly) for praying for us!!! I'm so glad you are able to get a little something out of the devotions. Thank you for sharing with us!


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