The Juggler

chris standing at my sister's house
Each caregiving journey is unique. We all have so many different variables that come into play, it's really hard to compare our situations. But I'm pretty sure we've all become great jugglers along the way. I won't even try to list all the different things we deal with on a given day. And while it's different for each of us, there are still numerous elements we must juggle just right, so that we don't drop anything important. Of course, it's all important. It's funny how the littlest thing can send the entire day, along with our emotions off course. Oh we're good. We'll figure it out and get through the day, the week, the situation, etc. Because each of us have become the GOAT at juggling. 

Our experiences may bring out a laugh - but we know it's true!

We could probably just look at a single area and realize how much we plan, organize, and juggle. And most likely that is every single day. I've got quite a list of them running through my head right now. There's finances, supplies, meals and food in general, daily chores, and even our own health that are just a few of the players in our juggling act. And these come into play every single day. It's not like we get one settled and can deal with all the others. It's easy to be overwhemed by how much is really involved.

a dude trying to juggle pins

Juggling breeds anxiety. But what's a caregiver to do? I'm pretty sure we are supposed to bring all our anxious thoughts to Him - But does God really want all that? Lol. The short answer is yes! He'll take it all, if we let Him. David prayed in Psalm 139:23, Search me O God, and know my heart, teast me and know my anxious thoughts. That's boldness right there. It's customary to try to hide all those things we are anxious about. Why do we do that? It's not like God doesn't know exactly what we are dealing with - He's very well acquainted with each of the things we are juggling.

Paul reminds us in Philippians 4 - don't be anxious about anything. How is that even possible? lol. I'm looking for one of those exclusionary statements here. You know, like don't be anxious about anything, except... But there's not one. God's not afraid of our anxiety - or anxieties. He will gladly help us juggle through them until we are comfortable giving them to Him. Then, He'll gently replace the worries with His peace.

Today, I am going to turn each anxious thought into a prayer as it comes to my mind. This is how I plan on handing them to Him. He's juggled a lot of people's prayer since the beginning, I'm pretty sure He can handle mine today. As each concern surfaces today, I'm giving it to the true Juggler, the One who knows right where everything goes to make our days keep running smoothly. Then, I'll just trust Him to bring it all together while I wait for Him and rest in His peace. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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