The Long Sit


The other day, I stepped outside for a couple of minutes and noticed there was a woman sitting on the curb across from the pond down the road a bit. I had this urge that I just wanted to go sit with her. She seemed lost in thought, but I couldn't tell if she seemed stressed or not. I didn't have any words, just wanted to sit down beside her and be there. Immediately after this interesting urge, I thought of what a blessing it would be for someone to just come sit by me. The support it would offer would be amazing. 

Oftentimes, there are no words, not even comforting ones, that "work." But having someone just "be" with you can mean the world. This led my thoughts to Job. When his world came crashing down, his friends came. They were so overcome with grief when they saw his physical state, that they couldn't speak. This, of course, turned out to be a good thing. Lol. They simply sat there with Job for a week with no words spoken. But they were there.

When my son had his wreck, I had a friend who flew in just to be there with us for a few days. Her presence was invaluable. Just having someone I loved and trusted "sitting" there with me provided so much comfort and support - without any words being said. I've found that people may "be" with you initially during the crisis, but if it goes on too long they begin to thin out. 

Here's the good thing, though. God is there for the sit. When He sees our lonely souls just sitting and staring, He is just there for us. As the abnormal becomes our new normal, we may find we have fewer and fewer humans willing to be there for us. They get used to our discomfort. They accept our rocky road but choose to stay off of it. But God will never do that to us - He just keeps walking alongside us. His presence is everything.

Today, I will remind myself that He is still right here, even if He is just "sitting" with me, staring at the pond. I also need to remind myself that He's got nowhere pressing to go, so He's there for the sit. He's not in a hurry. He's not pushing me to talk about it. He is just there. And His presence brings all the comfort and hope I need for the moment. So, I'll just sit here with Him and trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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  1. Thank you so much for this devotional. It really ministered to my heart, soul and spirit and I needed to be reminded how even in "the long sit" that God is there sitting with us. I have been on my caregiving journey for just a little over 2 years now with my husband who had 2 very large strokes that really debilitated him. You are so spot on how at the start of this journey there was plenty of support but as time goes on people drop off. My sister has always said that most people are just not good with long term care and that is so true. I am so thankful that God never tires of accompanying, walking and sitting with us on our individual journeys. Thank you for the reminder of that and may God continue to Bless you and your son!.

    Kim Fair

    1. Thank you so much for reading the blog and for sharing! I don't know why I'm always surprised to realize that the emotions and other baggage of caregiving is so common among us. Thanks again for reading!


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