Where There is A Need


This morning, I did my Facebook live devotions on seeking God. I'll share the video below, but I talked about how He meets us when we take the smallest step toward Him. He rises to meet even a gentle movement as we turn our souls toward Him - even without words. That's a good thing, because as a caregiver, I often run out of words. When circumstances roll over your soul over and over like the roaring ocean's tide, you can run out of words to say and pray.

It's okay, though, because God knows. He is tuned into the slightest heart sigh. And He gets everything behind it. The rest of the world may not get it. They may choose to ignore it, or just never understand it at all - But God sees the whole thing and comprehends all the things we can't form the words to say. People can be quick to condemn and tell us we don't have faith. Some have said that I'm not trusting God. That used to bother me - but now I laugh because I'm pretty sure they have no clue what it really looks like to have to trust God for your next breath because life is squeezing it out of you like a vice grip.

That's why I like Hebrews 4:16. The Holy Spirit says this through the writer, So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will recieve His mercy and we will find grace to help us when we need it. (NLT) Notice that it doesn't say we'll find His grace "IF" we ever need it. Instead, it says when, indicating that God understands we will need His grace - there are no "get out of jail free" cards that free us from caregiving burdens. It's something we have to walk through. However, we have His grace on an "as needed" basis. And for me - that's pretty much 24/7! Lol.

The good thing for me is that there are no gaps in God's coverage. His "grace insurance" doesn't pick and chose what it covers. He covers it all - every hurt, every pain, every rejection, and every difficutly. He didn't say that everyone but caregivers would have grace when they need it. It's open-ended, free, and non-exclusionary! And it's right "here" whenever there is a need.

Today, I will thank Him for the grace needed to carry me through. I'll remind myself that I've got this - because He's got me. I won't try to wriggle around and get out of His hand to see what I can handle on my own. Instead, I'll rest in the grip of His grace. And I'll rest in the midst of the storm and trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

Check out my bookstores. I have eBook devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. My Amazon bookshelf has a couple of those in print or on Kindle.


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