More Than a Glance

chris in his 34 project t-shirt

Each caregiving journey is unique. There are, of course, a few elements that are going to be similar, no matter what the specific dynamics are in each situation. One problem I've had to overcome is taking my son out in public. It seems that state parks and outdoor venues are more comfortable, and honestly, the people we encounter are friendlier and more likely to offer help if I need it. This last weekend at Red Rock Canyon, several people offered to take photos of us. That was such a kind gesture. 

But in the day-to-day setting, it's not always that "comfortable." People of all ages tend to stare. A lot. I get it when kids stare, I just wish parents would encourage them to ASK!! Instead, they often push them along. I don't know which is worse, being ignored, shunned, or avoided. I don't like to be uncomfortable, and I don't like making others feel uncomfortable, so we avoid going out a lot. 

I have one place I like to go, but the door is so difficult to navigate with my son's chair I just don't go. I feel like I am avoiding becoming a spectacle - I have enough on my plate. It can be interesting how people glance our way when we are in public. Some glances are filled with compassion - I can sense that. Others seem to be more like they want to get away - far away - in case something might get on them. Lol.

This is where my mind was this morning after I heard myself praying; I don't need just a glance today, God, I need Your intervention.

God doesn't just send a glance our way. Psalm 139:3 tells us that He is intimately acquainted with all our ways. He's not up in heaven tossing grace for the day down on us and just hoping we are going to catch some of it. He purposefully places grace in us for this hectic race we have found ourselves running. He intentionally refreshes His mercy for us each day. It's so much more than a glance our way now and then. He doesn't have to wonder what's going on in our lives, hearts, and minds. He's there. Protecting.Providing. Preserving. I like that.

Today, I'll remind myself that God didn't just glance my way. He walks right into my day and asks what I need. My thoughts will be on how He abundantly lavishes His mercy and grace on my life, heart, and mind. My job today is to accept and embrace His provision. I'll welcome Him into my little world today and let Him do His work while I remind myself to rest in Him. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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