Pour It Out


Chris and I at the Lake Overholser trails

Lately, it sure feels like my proverbial plate is full. And by that, I mean it just feels a lot fuller than normal. Thoughts run through my head like traffic on busy highways. And yes, that is plural highways, because my mind has a LOT of traffic. Lol. Somehow, it just feels like things are stacking up - not bad things, necessariy, just things. Some days it's a constant struggle to keep my mind captured and under the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) I can't even say it's worrying, it's just a lot of individual "stuff" that has to be dealt with every single day. That's caregiving, though, right?

So, this morning, when I "found" this verse in Psalms, I was like - man, do I need to do that today! David says in Pslam 62:8, O my people, trust in Him at all times. Pour out you heart to Him, for God is our refuge. (NLT) I stopped to think for a minute about the practicality of pouring out my heart before Him. My first thought was, does He really want all this? Followed by, where will He put all that? LOL. I know, too analytical, but it's who I am. Lol.

After I meditated on what it would look like to pour out my heart before Him, I backed up and read the previous few verses. David filled in some of the gaps for me and helped me to see that it is really just as simple as trusting God - with everything. Sometimes, the pouring out is done with words as we release our cares into His hands. Somehow, He joyfully accepts them all so that He can replace them with His peace. Amazing, ain't it?

The verses just before David reminds us to pour all our concerns out at His feet say this:

I wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress where I will not be shaken.

My salvation and my honor come from God alone. 

He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. (NLT)

Once I pour everything out at His feet - there is no enemy that can get in my head - as long as I stay hidden in my Refuge. 

Today, I'm going to "let it all hang out" as I pour out each trouble, each situation, each struggle before my great God. I'll declare once again that He is my refuge, my rock, my salvation, and my fortress. I'm going to pack up all my emotions and run to Him - then pour it all out before Him and let Him sort it out for me. I will trust that He'll hand me back anything I need to carry - and He'll take care of the rest. I will wait patiently and quietly for Him to act on my behalf as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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