Streams in the Desert

Mama and Aunt Polly

 The other day, I was having a great conversation with a friend via Messenger. He's a young man who is hungry for the word, so he had lots of questions. We were talking about Elizabeth and Mary and how both of their pregnancies were miracles but in different ways. By now, you know I have a "Google mind," as one of my friends says it. You say a phrase, term, or thought, and she says my mind opens up about 20 tabs, ready to go whichever direction the conversation leads. Lol. It's true, I must admit.

I immediately thought of Hannah and how she prayed for a baby. God gave her a prophet, just like God gave Elizabeth the prophet John the Baptist. Then, I thought of Rachel praying for God to give her a baby, and she birthed Joseph, who would be instrumental in saving the nation. It started to seem to me that God has a wonderful way of turning a barren, dry, hurtful situation into new birth and life. He takes a barren womb and gives it life.

As I continued studying this concept, I thought of Isaiah 54, where God tells the barren woman to sing for her children will be many. I thought about scriptures that remind us that He makes streams in desert places. Caregiving can often feel like a deserted and dry place where suffering lives. But I looked at these women who God not only gave them life in the middle of their dry places - but blessed a nation from them. 

The principle, then, would be that God can make our dry places run with fresh, refreshing water. He can meet us at the point of our suffering, grief, and sorrow. And He not only meets us there, but He brings the sweetness of new life - even if it's just His breath awakening our hearts to His presence.

Today, I'll ask myself to reflect on any barren areas of my life that I haven't yet surrendered to Him. I will give Him my grief, sorrow, and sadness and ask Him to bring life to my soul. I'll shift my focus from my circumstances to His grace. That's where I'll rest as I wait for His streams to bring life. Will you join me?


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