3 Storms

Chris and my Daddy

 This morning during my personal Bible study time, I was reading back through Jonah. I find his story amazing. I am currently preparing some teachings for my YouTube channel, and Jonah's story fits right in. Make sure to subscribe! As I was reading this morning, I realized that God calmed the storm after the crew tossed Jonah overboard. That got me to thinking.

I went back and read the two storms that Jesus calmed. (Matthew 14 and Mark 4) It seemed to me that there is a pattern of calming storms in the Bible. Jonah's was one that was his own fault. The disciples, however, were sent into their storms. Both times, Jesus had instructed them to go to the other side. Do you think Jesus didn't know there was going to be a storm? Since He as all God-all man, He had to know! But He also knew He was going to meet them in the middle of the storms and speak peace.

As caregivers, it can often feel like we live in a storm. If there are multiple storms, it can seem like there isn't a break in between. Am I right? The good thing is that we know the Peacemaker. We have an up-close-and-personal relationship with the Prince of Peace. He lives in our tattered little boats with us!

God is never afraid of the storm. He will not abandon us to our own fears, either! 

Storms come. Sometimes, they are Jonah storms and caused by a poor decision on our part. Maybe we took "the wrong road" or something. Or perhaps they just happen while we are following God's directions. The storms are not always the result of disobedience. Storms happen. Life happens. Caregiving happens. And then God happens. Peace happens.

Today, I'll remind myself that Jesus is still in my boat. My meditations will be on how He is the reigning Prince of Peace, has been since forever began; and will be until eternity doesn't end. I can trust Him for today. Will you join me?


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