Story Dynamics


chris looking up at me from his chair

As caregivers, we have a few things in common. We care for a loved one. Our days are filled with caregiving tasks. The list could go on and on. Even though we have caregiving as common ground, no two stories have the same dynamics. They vary in many ways. Our loved ones may be in different age groups. Personally, I care for my 39-year-old son. But previously, I cared for him and my 89-year-old aunt. Yes, at the same time. Can you say, "full plate?"

Some of us are caring for loved ones who are naturally aging. While others are watching our loved one's mind slowly drift away. Perhaps some caregivers, such as me, became caregivers due to a tragic accident. Others may be caring for a child that was born with birth defects.

Besides who we care for, the way we care for them may differ. Some are still walkie-talkies and very ambulatory. Others are bedridden and need total assistance with ADLs. Still others are somewhere in between. They can do some things for themselves, but not all. 

Caregivers often have help available, whether it's through a paid agency or family members who step up to help. Then some of us have literally zero help, and all the caregiving responsibilities rest on our shoulders. If there are finances available, perhaps some have paid help. It varies.

We could go on to talk about all the differences, such as food prep, laundry, feeding, daily care, socialization, or the lack thereof. Each of our stories is different, with various dynamics coming into play. But no matter what our story dynamics look like in real life - we all have one thing in common. 

We must trust God every day.

I'll share my Facebook live from this morning at the end. I talk about questions. No matter what the question is - the answer is trust God. No matter what our caregiving situations and dynamics look (or feel) like, the answer is still trust God. Honestly, I've searched for other answers and have come up blank and empty outside of Him! 

Today, I am determined that no matter what the situation looks like, I will trust God! I can trust Him with my deepest, most troublesome worries. I can also trust Him with the silly stuff that nags at my mental health day after day. He is trustworthy. I am resolved that today is the best day to trust Him, so that's what I am going to do. Will you join me?


  1. Thank you these wonderful insightful caregiving devotionals. They truly help me on tbis caregiving road that I was thrust into rwo and a half years ago when my husband had 2 severe stroles that turned life as we knew it upside down. Your devotionals have been a tremendous blessing on this journey. Thank you and may God continue to strengthen you and all of us caregivers out here who are devoted to caring for our loved ones.

    1. Hi Kim, thanks for sharing a piece of your journey, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I know that caregiving isn't easy, no matter what dynamics come into play. Thank you for your kind words - and thanks for reading!


Wait, There's More

 Today's title can be read a couple of different ways. I think maybe where a person is emotionally and mentally might influence how it&#...