The Ultimate Caregiver

Aunt Polly and Chris
I'm still reading through Exodus, and this morning, I was to the part where the Children of Israel made the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain watching God write the 10 commandments with His finger. God tells Moses to "go down and check on YOUR people that YOU brought out of Egypt. We then find Moses pleading with God on behalf of the wayward Israelites, even though he was upset at them, too.

Think about what it must have been like to move such a huge crowd successfully across the wilderness. Just like for us, God was the ultimate provider. He made sure their clothes didn't wear out, they had food, and there was water. Moses followed God closely while moving the people from point A to point B. As I thought about how overwhelming it must have been to work with these whiny, cry-babies, moaning and groaning Israelites, I thought man Moses was the ultimate caregiver.

Of course, our circumstances are very different in that we care for our loved ones who cannot take care of themselves on one level or another. How much more frustrating must it have been for Moses, who was trying to care for people who could do for themselves but often would not. I know for the three years I had my son and my aunt, it was tough trying to make sure everything was done, and the two of them were well taken care of. But it's beyond my brain to try to imagine caring for thousands. But Moses, our ultimate caregiver, had a trick up his sleeve. He always went to God with the need.

Don't we do this too? I know I do! Sometimes, I whine a bit myself, then I remember to just give it to God. Each year, when my lease is up, and I see the increased rent - I remind God that His rent went up! Lol. Isn't He our provider, too? Moses's pattern was to take every need, every situation, every person to God. He asked for directions, etc. Can't we do that, too? Don't we do that already? I've got a ways to go - but I'm starting to get it down!

Today, I'll remind myself that nothing is too big or too little to take to Father God. He doesn't measure our needs or our requests. Instead, He is just glad we came. My prayers will start with thanksgiving for bringing us this far on the caregiving journey, and I'll remind myself that the past is just a reminder that God has always had us - and still has us. My meditations will be on how God continued to provide for the wayward Israelites, even through all their shenanigans. I will rest in Him today, knowing that He'll take care of me too. So, I will trust Him for one more day! Will you join me?


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