Who's Listening?

Chris standing by the pond at Red Rock Canyon

 Caregiving can be a constant "rough spot" in our lives. But on our journeys, there are other dynamics that come into play. As caregivers, we learn rather quickly to be problem solvers. It's just part of the job. Sometimes we get supplies, sometimes we don't. We learn to navigate difficult systems and fight various battles that shouldn't even be necessary to provide for our loved ones. Even something as simple as filling a prescription can become a circus. Sigh.

These things were running through my mind this morning as I was sorting through some of the recent changes occurring in our lives. I want to throw my hands up and quit. But of course, it's a fleeting thought as I catch my breath and go back in for round two, or three, or four...

For a second, I wondered if God heard me. Frustrations mound, and I run out of answers, and even though I know He hears me - I still ask Him if He does. Lol. My thoughts turn into prayers, and I ask God, do you even hear me? Are you still in control? And I reassure myself that He is still in control and still my provider. Maybe I should write a psalm. :-)

The psalmists seem to have a similar problem and emotions that run along the same lines. Sometimes, the writer was sure that God heard their prayers.

  • I cried to God with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill. (Psalm 3:4)
  • ...For the Lord heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication and will receive my prayer. (Pslam6:8,9)
  • I have called on You, for you will hear me. (Pslam 17:6)
  • I called on God in my distress and He heard me out of His holy temple. (Psalm 18:6)
  • He has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither has He hid His face from him, but when he cried unto Him, He heard. (Psalm 22:24)
Other times, like me, the psalmist seemed to wonder if God heard him at all.
  • Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to thee...(Psalm 28:2)
  • Consider and hear me, O Lord my God. (Psalm 13:3)
  • Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! (Psalm 27:7)
  • Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me! (Psalm 30:10)
As I was crying out to God this morning and asking Him if He could even hear me - I felt such a calm, soothing peace come over me. If the psalmist can ask these types of questions and God let them write it in the Bible - it must be okay for me to pray it too. But these verses help remind me that He does hear. He is still in control. He is still my provider. I especially like Pslam 22:24 - He doesn't despise our situation. He is not put off by our "affliction" - He won't hide from us - instead, He hears us when we cry to Him.

Today, I will remind myself that God is listening. He gets it. He sees the journey and does not walk away. Instead, He walks alongside, encouraging, strengthening, and loving us. My meditation will be on how He walks with me - and His soul smiles as He sees ours still reaching for Him. So, I believe I can trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

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