It'll "Work" Out

Chris checking out the cars at a local car show

 I grew up with a phrase I haven't heard in a long time, "the devil is in the details." But I want to turn that around today and say that God is in the details. He is "working all things out for good," according to Romans 8:28, and I do believe that. But He does fail to notify us of the details.

David was anointed to be king of Israel. But God didn't reveal anything about the journey it would take to get there. He didn't mention facing a giant along the way. There was no mention of running for his life and hiding from Saul, who wanted to kill David. God just promised the kingship.

Joseph didn't get any details either. He knew the end of the story - he'd reign. Someday. Somewhere. There was no mention in those early dreams that his own brothers would betray him and sell him into slavery. God didn't tell Joseph that he'd spend years in jail for something he didn't do, either. God only told Joseph of the destination, not the details.

Paul knew he was going to preach the gospel to the nations, that he'd fulfill the great commission. But he certainly didn't know that his reach would begin in a prison cell. Paul saw what he needed to do - but he didn't see those little details.

How about Moses? God told him to get His children out of Egypt and bring them to Him. He forgot the details. There wasn't a mention of crossing the Red Sea, manna, or water from a rock. God just told Moses what He wanted to do - but He left out the details.

God doesn't waste anything. He uses all those details to shape our faith and draw us to His heart. I tried to imagine caring for my son while we sat in the hospital those initial four months after his accident. But I couldn't imagine the details. I did know that God was going to walk it with me - just like I was determined to walk "it" (whatever that looked like) with my son. But I couldn't even imagine the details of caregiving.

Those details have driven me to trust God more and to explore and redefine my own faith. I have found myself in the very heart of God, being held up by His hand. I've experienced Him calm the storms of my heart with His gentle touch. He's brought provision when I thought for sure I was doomed. He's fulfilled the promises of Isaiah 43 to me - in the unmentioned details. Yes, He has been with me in the waters, and He's kept them from overflowing and overwhelming me. God has been with me in the fires of caregiving and kept my soul from being burned. God is truly IN the details.

Today, I'll remind myself of how God has carried me on this caregiving journey and how He hasn't failed me to date! I'll focus my heart on thanksgiving for all He's brought me through. My thoughts will be on His ever-abiding presence, His never-ending peace, and His constant watch-care over my heart. I'll remind myself that He has every single detail covered before I'm ever even aware of them. I can trust Him for today. Will you join me?


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