Multi-Dimensional Layers

chris sporting his little beard while standing in the frame

 This morning, I found myself in Psalm 139 again. I love this psalm! It reminds us of how up-close-and-personal God really is with each of us. It seems like the more I read it, the more I see the layers of God's grace. My thoughts and meditations centered around verse 3 this morning.

This verse in the New Living Translation (1997) says You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know right where I am. I love that God understands the complexities of the caregiving life. With that in mind, my thoughts went a whole different way with the phrase, "right where I am."

We are multi-dimensional beings. We are a spirit. We live in a body. And we have a soul. But to each of these "layers" or aspects, there are a multitude of other facets. Nothing is just cut and dried. For caregivers, I think we need to add more layers to each of the dimensions of our beings, don't you? :-)

But even in all the complicated messes and complexities of life that are compounded by caregiving, God knows right where we are. 

My mind went back to Calculus classes at East Central University where I learned that we were going to add a z-axis to the commonly discussed x- and y-axis. With just one more factor, every problem became so much more complicated. We had another whole layer to each problem that had to be considered and factored into each step. Needless to say, this blew my mind! Lol. x,y,z = body, soul, spirit. God gets it all.

Each coordinate has its own set of possibilities and characteristics. It can be negative or positive. So if you look at one point on the graph - there's so much more to it. Isn't that like life? At any given point in life we are dealing with emotions, finances, relationships, work, church, and so much more, including caregiving. It's so complicated. But God knows right where we are. He understands every single layer and its complexity or simplicity. He gets us!

Today, I will remind myself that God gets all my crazy, complex, complicated layers, and He chooses to stay anyway! Even when I feel alone and misunderstood, I'll think about how He knows. And more than that, He chooses to know all the layers that make each of us unique. I'll be thankful that God doesn't run away when He sees how complicated it all becomes. Instead, He gives us the first part of this verse - and plans places for our souls to rest in Him. I imagine He pats the padded stool next to Him and gently says, Sit. Rest. I get it. Oh what peace comes with that invite! I'll accept His invite to rest in Him today as I trust Him with this complex life. Will you join me?


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