Out of Stock

chris standing outside at the park

 If there is anything, one thing, that is consistent in the caregiver's life, it's change. But of course, it's not the stuff you count on changing that gets us. In the caregiver's cave, change can come in an instant. And if we do get adventurous enough to make plans, you can be certain something will happen. For instance, I was planning on going to church with my aunt and uncle yesterday, but instead, we ended up sitting in the ER most of the afternoon. And that was after being up literally all night Saturday night. 

We just never know.

It happens on a smaller but just as frustrating scale as well. We can enjoy a chuckle when it's not a fresh experience, right? But don't you hate going into a store for an item, and they just decided to not carry it anymore? Wally-World is the worst at that. I purchased my coffee there for years, and one day - they just stopped carrying it. Talk about breaking trust. Lol. 

I did the same thing with Sam's Club. I got the card only because they had boxes of adult wipes and other incontinent supplies that were reasonably priced. Especially wipes are very hard to find in stores at affordable prices. The wipes were the reason I got the card and kept it. Then, one day, they just decided not to carry them anymore. It's taken a while, but I found an online source (Allegro Medical) where I can get the things I need at reasonable prices. 

Here's my point - things change. When they do, it can be inconvenient, disruptive, irritating, and frustrating. But we can be thankful that God is not on the "might change at any time" list. He is the one constant in our lives that we can count on. 

Matthew 24:35 says heaven and earth may pass away, but my word is forever. We won't get up in the morning, or even in the middle of the night, to find that His peace is out of stock. God doesn't close shop at 11, and He certainly doesn't discontinue items. I can rest assured that His love, peace, grace, and mercy are right where I left them!

Today, I will be thankful for God's consistency toward me and my inconsistent situation. I'll thank Him for being the peace in the middle of the storm and the light in the back of the cave. My meditations will be on how He never has to "re-stock" His mercy, and His grace is always sufficient for the day, the situation, or the most recent change in my life or schedule. I'll remind myself that He really does have me covered. He's got me. So, I'll just sit back and relax and let Him carry me through today - will you join me?


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