What God Sees vs What People See
I think it's easy to see the parallel between a shepherd and the caregiver. The shepherd takes full care of the sheep. They lead the sheep to places to eat and places where they can have fresh, clean water. (Psalm 23 comes to mind.) The job of the shepherd is simply to care for the sheep in his charge. David was a shepherd, which is one reason he understood the heart of God so well. But David was also a king - even though everyone else continued seeing him only as a shepherd boy.
This weekend, I was thinking about David and how he must have dealt with rejection. As caregivers, it can feel like society rejects us, people ignore (reject) us, and sometimes, it seems like life itself has rejected us and left us to figure out how to survive this crazy maze.
When God looked at David, he didn't see a singing shepherd boy - He saw a man after His own heart. Not one without mistakes and shortcomings, but one who was quick to repent and protect the relationship. David messed up more than once - but God still empowered him to take out Goliath. David was not perfect, but God still had Samuel anoint him to be the next king. But just because David carried the anointing didn't mean the road would be an easy one. His own brother put him down and accused David of pride right before he took down the giant with a stone.
David's own father didn't invite him to the dinner with Samuel. Remember that Samuel requested that Jesse bring all his sons to the dinner. But the prophet, who was sensitive to God, said that none of the sons present were "the one." He had to ask Jesse if he had any more sons. David wasn't even invited. Jesse said, just David - he's out keeping the sheep. His own father left him out of the picture and didn't consider him worthy to come to dinner with the prophet. Yet, God overlooked all the other sons of Jesse and went after little David.
They saw nothing - God saw a king. When people look at the caregiver, they automatically think we are down and out, nothing more than a charity case. They often cannot see past the caregiver to the person we are inside. But God does. He sees it all - He sees the king hiding in the field, taking care of his charge. God sees the struggles we don't let others see for fear of being put down even more or being rejected once again. God sees, period.
Today, as I straighten up my cozy, comfy, safe caregiver's cave, I'll remind myself that God sees the rejection I feel - even if it's just perceived. He sees the tears that fall when no one is looking. I'll remind myself that He is trustworthy even when people distance themselves. My thoughts will be on how "not alone" I really am - because the King of Kings leans over the portals of heaven to hold my heart and to catch my tears. My broken heart will be thankful today because God sees. I know I can trust Him for just one more day - will you join me?
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