Something In Between

Chris outside in the standing frame

 I think we can all agree that there are good days, bad days, and something in between. That's true whether we are caregivers or not, right? There are days when things go as planned, or close to it. Then there are days when it feels like everything, including ourselves, is falling apart. Most days, I think are in between days with a lot of good moments and difficult moments mixed in.

I'm not really sure where we got the idea that when we got saved everything would be perfect. Maybe the idea came from the '70s Faith Movement. But I find no such thing in the Bible. As a matter of fact, I find the opposite. Take for instance, in Matthew 8:23. It says that Jesus got into a boat - and the disciples followed Him. Following Jesus should be a safe bet, right? Lol - of course it is. But that doesn't mean it's free of trials or struggles.

Jesus didn't command them to get in the boat with Him. He didn't ask for their companionship. They didn't even know where He was going. They just got in the boat with Him. After awhile, a scary storm came up. They were afraid they were going to die, so they woke Him up. They faced a storm with Him in the boat. His presence didn't prevent the storm from happening, but it did bring peace in the middle of it.

Somewhere in between one shore and the other, they found out who He was. What did they think He was going to do when they woke Him up? Even after He calmed the storm the disciples were filled with questions. It was the beginning of their journey to learning to trust Him. But it didn't mean there wouldn't be another storm. Actually, there were plenty more storms. Guess what. They were scared every time! But Jesus also spoke peace every time.

While we can't erroneously believe that being a believer will prohibit storms from coming at all. We can trust that with Jesus in our boat, He will calm each and every one. Even for caregivers like us, who basically live in a storm. 

Today, I'll remind myself that Jesus is in the boat of life with me. When storms do come, and they will, He will continue to bring peace to my heart. I can rest in Him today, knowing that He is in my boat. God will stay with us no matter what comes up or how many go away. He's got us on our good days, our bad days, our best days, our worse days, and everything in between. I'll trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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I finally have my leadership Bible study guide available in all formats! It's a downloadable eBook in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. And it's also available in print or Kindle version on my Amazon bookshelf!

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