The Juggler


my mama and aunt polly

Does it ever feel like you are a juggler? It does for me. I find myself juggling things all day long and making sure the most important, although they are all important, things get done. I juggle therapies, meals, bath time for both of us, transfers, client work, meetings, and sundry other tasks that need to be done daily in an attempt to get as many of them done in a day as possible. Most days, I feel like, hey, I get done what needs to be done, and the rest can wait until tomorrow's list. I've finally learned that at the end of the day and my strength, I have to look at what did get done that day, not at the things left undone. It is frustrating to not be superwoman sometimes. Lol.

Along with juggling all the natural tasks that need to be done each day, I find myself juggling emotions, too. I've teased that I can go from the mountaintop of emotions to the valley of despair in under 2 seconds. And it's true. Seeing an old picture, hearing a tune, or one of many other things can topple my emotions into the bottomless pit. It doesn't take much most days. But so far, God has accompanied me on every single climb back up to the top!

No matter what each of our caregiving journeys look like, we have mastered juggling, even on the most complex days. As the holidays approach, there will likely be more juggling from emotions to get-togethers and more. No matter what we find ourselves juggling, we can rest assured that while God can handle it all, He's not juggling. He doesn't juggle to see if we get grace or mercy or a little bit of both today. God isn't trying to squeeze in all He can, but He will give us all the grace, mercy, and love we can handle. He's not sitting on the throne deciding what we get to work with today - He gave it all to us in Christ, the Word.

Today, I'll remind myself that no matter how many things I feel like I'm juggling - God's got it all. I'll think about how He helps me carry it all without picking and choosing what He will help with. He's got us covered from A to Z and everything in between. That's why I choose to trust Him for one more day! Will you join me?

In the mood for a new study guide? I have written six great study guides so far. They vary in length and topic, but they are all powerful and moving. Each of them will take you on a journey to discover more about yourself and your relationship with God. They are great tools to help you to grow as a believer. most of them are on Amazon and in my bookstore.

making of a leader study guide
James study guide

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