Caregiving is Just So Daily

Chris standing up at my sister's house

 Do you ever get a day off? How about an hour here or there? I used to be able to get out for a weekend or a quick overnight trip, but it still felt like I wasn't really "off." My phone had to be on and near me every second in case my substitute had a question or situation they needed my input on. In the last few months, I've had zero time off from caregiving. The thing is that you can't just clock out and go home. There's no chance to get away and just live life - it is our lives. It's just so daily.

I remember Joni Eareckson Tada, who has lots of wonderful resources for caregivers, btw, said about her disability. It's just so daily. How well we understand that brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, birth defects, dementia, Alzheimer's, and any other condition are just so daily. There's not a magic button to turn it all off, right? It's always on, so we have to be always on.

But that's okay. Because all of who God is - is always on, too! He's so daily with His grace, mercy, peace, love, etc., that He's already walked through tomorrow for us and with us, and it's not even here yet! While we do get tired, for sure, Isaiah 40:28 reminds us that God never gets tired. The prophet asks a powerful question: Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. 

To provide further encouragement, this passage goes on to say that He gives power to the weak! (Hey, that's me!) He also increases strength to those who have no might. (Hey, that's me too!) Our job, according to this passage from the NKJV, is to just wait on Him. That's daily, too. It's our "work," if you will, to trust Him, pursue Him, wait on Him, and look to Him daily. 

Today, I'll remind myself that all God is - is still intact and available for my daily needs, and they are many. He will not get tired of me running to Him. As a matter of fact, He'll encourage it! He wants to help us, teach us, strengthen us, and carry us when needed. I'll remind myself of what an awesome God He is and that He is fully engaged and present in my days - every single day. I'll trust Him for this day. Will you join me?


In the mood for a new study guide? I have written six great study guides so far. They vary in length and topic, but they are all powerful and moving. Each of them will take you on a journey to discover more about yourself and your relationship with God. They are great tools to help you to grow as a believer. Most of them are on Amazon and in my bookstore.

making of a leader study guide
James study guide

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