Difficult Choices

aunt polly and mama

 As caregivers, we often face difficult choices. It's not easy making decisions that directly affect our loved ones, but we do it all the time. We choose doctors, programs, aids, and tons of other things that affect their daily lives. But sometimes, our most difficult choices lie within.

I was reading in 2 Timothy this morning, where Paul assured Timothy that God didn't give a spirit of fear - but He does give us power, love, and a sound mind. Perhaps the most difficult choice we face on some days is God's peace, love, and grace instead of fear. While fear is going to come, it doesn't have to set up a home in our hearts or minds. David said in Psalm 56:3 whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. It wasn't a matter of facing fear or not - but of when he was going to face fear.

The enemy of our souls loves to stir up fear in us. (Maybe it's just me?) He'll come at us with all sorts of crazy thoughts that may or may not even be probable. Thoughts lead us into fear many times - if we follow. I'm not denying that we face many fearful things along our caregiving journey, that's for sure. But the devil likes to stir that pot a little bit if we let him, and then - he turns it around on us and accuses us of not trusting God. Smh. It can easily become a self-destructing cycle.

But here's the good news - even in the midst of fear, grief, pain, sorrow, and all the other emotions and feelings that come with caregiving - we don't have to let fear be in control. It can be turned around (sometimes are easier than others) as we remind ourselves that God didn't give us fear - He gives us peace. He also gives us sufficient grace. Turning it around involves the difficult choice of which we are going to let reign in our hearts and minds. God can give us peace all day - and He already has! But if we choose to embrace fear - that's on us.

Today, I choose to embrace God's peace even in the middle of my fears. I don't care how many times today I have to remind myself to replace fear with God's peace - I'm going to do it all day long. My declaration for today is the same as Davids. When I am afraid - I will trust God. I will remind myself that He is the keeper of my soul (mind, will, emotions). I'm not facing fear alone - I face it with the grace, love, mercy, and peace of God. That's some powerful ammo right there! I will keep reminding myself today that He has me - I can trust Him with today. Will you join me?


Just Released and Published on Amazon!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers

I finished publishing Affirmations for Caregivers last night! It contains an affirmation, a verse or two to read, and a prompt for a very short response for each day.  You can download the eBook from the Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore right now and print it and and start today! The print version is also now available on Amazon! Check it out!

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