

daddy and Chris

A lot of things change in our lives when we become caregivers. Maybe you moved a loved one in with you or moved in with a parent to provide around-the-clock care. For some, the best choice is to place a loved one in a facility so they can get specialized, 24-7 care. Others may have become caregivers because of a tragic accident. Even if a caregiver gradually slides into the role, it will lead to lifestyle changes. 

Plans get put on hold - or canceled. Lives get rearranged. Living arrangements adapt to current needs. You get the idea - you know first-hand! Caregiving requires different equipment, daily schedules, and many in-home changes. 

In the middle of all the changes - some things are irreversible. This is a good thing. I recall standing in the Shreveport hospital lobby and realizing that God did not change even though my son had been med-flighted to their trauma unit and was lying in a bed in isolation on the 8th floor at the time. That was when something that looked a little like healing could begin. I stood with tears in my eyes and realized God did not get off His throne just because something horrible had happened. He didn't throw in the towel or act out in surprise. He just was. He just is. Irreversible.

I began to realize that His grace knew no bounds - He and His grace, mercy, and love were right there in the hospital with us. He didn't take away His gifts. I'd later learn He didn't even remove the "call" I felt was on my life; it just began to look different than anything I had imagined. 

Today, I will make a list of the things about God that are irreversible - those things that do not change in response to caregiving or tragedy. I'll meditate on how His grace is still enough for this day and how His mercies were brand new for me today - just to ensure I had what I needed for my "right now." My thoughts will be on how His love never ends and how absolutely NOTHING, not even caregiving, can cause His love to cease. I believe that's all enough to carry me through one more day. I will trust Him with my today. Will you join me?


Now Published in Paperback!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers

I finished publishing Affirmations for Caregivers last night! It contains an affirmation, a verse or two to read, and a prompt for a very short response for each day.  You can download the eBook from the Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore right now and print it and and start today! The print version is also now available on Amazon! Check it out!

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