Need to Know Basis

chris standing outside in the standing frame

 This morning, I was thinking about what I really need. I'm sure we all have our own personalized list. Most probably include things like more money, health, friends, getting out more, or plain ole help! Our lists probably change from day to day - perhaps even moment by moment, depending on what the day throws at us, right? But ultimately, I just need to know that God is with me. 

I need to know that He's not going to bail if things get tough. See, people are actually pretty good at the time something changes. Whether that is a traumatic event, a scary diagnosis, or anything else. They offer support, which may take the form of encouragement, money, gifts, helping out, or just being with you. But once it becomes the "norm," they are long gone. Then what? We're still sitting here in the aftermath, trying to sort out what just happened and planning how to move forward...alone most times. Being alone just adds to the emotional mix. 

That's why I get stuck on needing to know that God's got my back. I need to know that He's not going to be with me initially, only to go back to His norm and leave me emotionally stranded. I don't know about you, but I need to know that God is with me in it and that He's not going packing when it goes on too long. People don't have the patience to hang with you during a life-altering event. They tend to watch the event alter your life and then wish you all the best and pray for you. But there are very few who really walk with you through it. But God does - and today, I need to know that.

I'm reminding myself today that God literally does not have the capacity to leave us - even if He wanted to. God is omnipresent. He exists everywhere, so He has nowhere to go except for somewhere that He already is. Even if He did leave us - He'd go somewhere He is already, and He'd still be in our "here" because He exists everywhere. Even if we put our great minds together, we couldn't find a place where God couldn't meet us. David said, "if I make my bed in hell, You are there." Maybe David understood a little bit about life's trials and the need for God to be with us in them!

Today, I will remind myself that God is right here - no matter what my here looks like. My meditations will be on His omnipresence and how I literally cannot find any place He's not willing to be. I'll comfort myself today with thoughts about His ever-abiding presence and His desire to walk through time with me. I will also remind myself that He carries me as needed. I will trust Him for today and praise Him for all He is. Will you join me?


Now Published in Paperback!

I will be doing a caregiver-only video series using this book. In each video, I'll read the verses given each day, read the affirmation, and briefly discuss the prompt. Please grab a copy of the book and plan on joining me each morning in January. The links to the videos will be posted here each morning, you don't want to miss it!!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers

I finished publishing Affirmations for Caregivers last night! It contains an affirmation, a verse or two to read, and a prompt for a very short response for each day.  You can download the eBook from the Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore right now and print it and and start today! The print version is also now available on Amazon! Check it out!

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