Not a New Thing

Chris all buckled up in the van

 I just want to say that trusting God is not a new thing. This morning, I was reading in Galatians 2:20 about how the life we now live, we live
by faith in Christ. On the same page, in my Bible is Galatians 3:11, which says the just shall live by faith.  What I found interesting about that verse is that it is a quote out of the Old Testament. (Habakkuk 2:4) That sparked a long line of thoughts.

Living by faith is not a new thing, then. I took a few minutes to consider some of my favorite Bible heroes. Turns out, they all lived by faith. Each of them trusted God in the middle of their circumstances. 

I thought about Abraham first. After all, he's considered the "father of our faith." He believed what God told him, and we are still reaping the spiritual benefits of his actions. I thought about Moses who trusted God enough to go get His people out of bondage in Egypt. Back further than both of these guys sits Noah. I often admire how he heard God so clearly. God gave Noah all the specific measurements for building the ark. But on top of that fact was the fact that it hadn't ever rained yet. He didn't even know what "rain" was, yet he began to speak what God had said. I want to be like Noah when I grow up. :-)

Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that we are surrounded by this "great cloud of witnesses." Witnesses to what? God's faithfulness. That's why we don't lose heart. We know that God has carried others through by His grace, and He'll carry us through too. Our days can be difficult, and our nights long and dark, but we are not walking them without God. Our Bible heroes walked through some dark, difficult days, too, and they didn't even have their own examples to draw from. They just trusted God as they kept taking steps toward His heart. That's nothing new, now is it? Isn't that what we do each of our caregiving days? 

Today, I will remind myself that I do have faith. I'm still in the fight, and I'm still trusting Him. I'll spend some time meditating on those who've walked the faith road before me, like Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, and more. I will encourage myself that I'm still trusting God with my days too, just like my heroes. Maybe I'll spend some time thinking about their flaws as well - because none of them were perfect, yet they just kept trusting Him. I know I'm not perfect, not even close! But I am still trusting God, and I'll keep trusting Him for one more day. Will you join me?


My Healing Testimony

Cover of my book "The Year Orange Juice Saved My Life."

I sat down a few weeks ago and wrote out a short testimony. It's the entire story of how I was so sick in 1986-87, and my mom planned my funeral. We really thought I was going to die. Thankfully, God had other plans! You can purchase and download the eBook from my DFM bookstore. Or you can purchase the Kindle version from my Amazon bookshelf.


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