Silly Things

Chris watching Kyrie intently

 Sometimes, it can seem like the silliest things affect our days. As caregivers, we carry a lot, I mean a LOT! We're providing some level of care for at least one other whole human being, and it can be taxing. It's easy for us to be tired through and through because caregiving doesn't just involve physical activity; it involves the entire person. Being physically tired is one thing. Emotionally tired is a totally different thing. When we become frazzled, the smallest things can run us down and tip us over. 

As a caregiver, we kind of live on the edge all the time. Our emotional cup is full. We can feel drained physically. Anxieties can run very high. When we live in overload mode, the smallest things can be the final straw. Suddenly, just when we thought we were getting a handle on it all - it can feel like life is just slipping through our fingers, but we continue on in this foggy state. Why? We have to.

The good thing is that God is always right there to pick us up, restore us, and get us moving again. He doesn't carry around a clipboard bearing a list of "silly things" He won't help with. Realistically, what may seem silly to one person can become life or death for another - especially emotionally. I'm so glad that God doesn't have a stipulations list of things that have to be met before He'll help. He is our constant help.

Psalm 46:1 reminds us that He is our present help in times of need; we just happen to need Him all the time, right? I love that He never tells me to come back later, bring some other need, or that I am making too much out of something small. Instead, He meets us right where we are whether we are overwhelmed, underwhelmed, or feel we have it all together. He is present. He helps. He carries us as needed. I love that about God.

Today, I'm taking all the big things, little things, silly things, and everything in between to Him. I'll be thankful that His heart can handle my heart, no matter how silly it may seem to others - or even to me! Lol. I'll remind myself that He won't shirk at carrying it all. He won't measure each of my concerns to see whether or not they are worthy of His attention or effort - He just carries them. He just helps. He provides comfort, direction, and wisdom and has enough grace for me for today. I think that's awesome, so I'll package up all my concerns, hand them to Him, and trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


Now Published in Paperback!

I will be doing a caregiver-only video series using this book. In each video, I'll read the verses given each day, read the affirmation, and briefly discuss the prompt. Please grab a copy of the book and plan on joining me each morning in January. The links to the videos will be posted here each morning. You don't want to miss it!!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers

I finished publishing Affirmations for Caregivers last night! It contains an affirmation, a verse or two to read, and a prompt for a very short response for each day.  You can download the eBook from the Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore right now and print it and and start today! The print version is also now available on Amazon! Check it out!


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