Which Way to Run


Chris in the standing frame

Have you ever just wanted to run away from all the caregiver responsibilities? I'm pretty sure most of us have wanted to at some point or another. Perhaps many have. Of course, there are times when adjustments have to be made, such as getting more help or working with outside resources to help us provide care for our loved ones. But there are those days when it is just overwhelming. I call those moments of supreme overwhelm - stare at the wall and drink coffee moments. For at least a few minutes, I don't have it in me to do anything else at all.

It's in those moments of overwhelm when I want to run. The funny thing ( not haha funny either) is that I don't have the energy to run in those deep moments. But I think about it just the same. There is absolutely no condemnation for feeling that way at times. I think it's just part of the package. Our power comes from realizing we are in that state and reaching for help. My question is, which way do you run when you find yourself in overwhelm mode?

Many people run to alcohol and even drugs (including prescription options), just trying to find a way to cope with the load. Again, no condemnation here - we gotta do what we gotta do! There are plenty of other options too, and good ones, like counseling, coffee with a friend, a phone call with an old friend, or just getting outside in the sunshine for a few minutes. Ultimately, running to God is the answer, even though sometimes it takes some time to remember that, especially when flight or fight mode kicks in.

The good thing is that God is always in our right here - no matter what. A heart that runs to Him will find that He remains the same. (Hebrews 13:8) We can be overwhelmed in every arena, but once we fight through the fog and remember to run to Him, He still has enough grace, new mercies, wisdom, and hope to help us get through the moment and the day. We'll never get to Him only to be told He just ran out of grace. There's no coming back tomorrow - He is in our now. He never runs out of anything as He is truly the "all-sufficient" One. He knows just what our souls need, and He has it in stock every.single.time. That's one of the things I love about God.

Today, I'll remind myself that His mercies were brand new for me today. My meditation will be on how He provides enough grace to make it through the day - no matter how much or how little I think I need - He's got enough. I'll turn my thoughts toward His truth and think about how this God of peace, God of hope, and God of enough is my enough today. He's up close and personal with our needs and aware of our deepest wounds, thoughts, and emotions. He still carries us. I can trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


Now Published in Paperback!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers

I finished publishing Affirmations for Caregivers last night! It contains an affirmation, a verse or two to read, and a prompt for a very short response for each day.  You can download the eBook from the Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore right now and print it and and start today! The print version is also now available on Amazon! Check it out!

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