
Me  pushing chris at bluff creek trails

 Well, I woke up this morning in the same house with all the same stuff and the same vehicle sitting outside. My chores and tasks for the day look a whole lot like yesterday. I am guessing that when the clock struck midnight, nothing much changed except the date. A new year at least feels like a fresh start. Our minds and hearts get a little bit of a reset. Sometimes, we set new goals or use the new year to assess what things we may be able to change moving forward. I like a new year, even if nothing really changes initially.

But the best thing about New Year's is that God didn't change a bit either. His mercies were brand new for me and you this morning, just like every other morning. Not one letter in His Word changed with the ringing in of a new year. His grace is still sufficient, and His strength is still made perfect in our weaknesses. 

God is still the Good Shepherd and continues to watch over our souls without blinking! He won't sleep. He still won't grow weary or get tired of hanging out with us. His desire to walk through time with us has not weakened or changed. 

So, while I contemplate making changes in my life and start at Genesis reading the Bible through again, absolutely not one thing about God changes. He will not get off His throne or throw in the towel when things go bad. But He also doesn't turn off His grace and goodness when things go smoothly. He is the one consistent in our lives, and He doesn't change a thing with each change of calendar day. Our loving God is the one consistent in the caregiver's life that can change in an instant.

Today, I'll reflect on last year some, but mostly, I'll remind myself that God is in my today, no matter what the calendar says the date is. My meditations will be on His steadfastness. His faithfulness. His loving care of my soul. I'll spend some time just thanking Him for walking this caregiver journey with me. I'll express my gratitude that He hasn't (and won't) abandon me or leave me in the darkest moments. Instead, He'll light the way. I believe I can still trust Him for one more day, another thing that doesn't change. Will you join me?


Now Published in Paperback!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers
I have created a video series on my  YouTube channel. It goes over the affirmation each morning. The videos are only a couple of minutes long, and the first one was downloaded this morning! You can get the Affirmations for Caregivers book in several places. You can download it and have the eBook right now from my bookstore. It's also now available on Kindle or in print from Amazon

There is a video for each affirmation. Here is today's video.

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