

Chris smiling and enjoying bluff creek park

One of these days, I'm going to make a list of all the tasks that have to be done every single day. Caregivers have so many responsibilities. We understand it's not simple or easy to take care of another whole person. Even our general daily tasks like laundry, cooking, and cleaning are expanded versions of what others have to do. Nothing is simple, really. Lol. On any given day, we may add to the normal craziness of things like mobile X-rays, nurse visits, and sundry other things that we have to work around. Even our easiest days are not easy, right? In the middle of all our responsibilities, chores, work, and everything else, it's easy to be distracted. Rightly so.

I've been thinking about this a lot. Yesterday, I needed to pick up my grandson after school and shuttle him home, and then rush back to my apartment to meet the mobile x-ray tech. It made for a crazy afternoon, but I watched people as I was driving. It's like no one pays attention anymore. We are so busy trying to get where we are going just so we can get to the next stop or task for the day. People don't pay attention to where or how they park. They are preoccupied. And why on earth are people on their phones while they are driving? They put everyone on the road in danger because they can't put their phones down for a couple of minutes. As a culture, we are so busy. We are so distracted.

When God brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, He made them stop on the edge of the wilderness. He gave them detailed instructions for building the tabernacle. In my mind, they could have saved some time walking. But instead, He had them sit still and build Him a place. God had delivered them with mighty signs and wonders, but He didn't want them to be distracted by those. He wanted them to know that He was with them on their journey. 

The miracles were wonderful, but He wanted them to know Him - not just what He could do. They sat there on the edge of the journey until they got the tabernacle built. It took time to learn all about what God liked and didn't like, what He required of them. But He was looking for relationship, which is important for the journey. He wants to be part of our journeys too. Sometimes, we need to close out the distractions and just acknowledge that He is indeed with us - just like He was with them.

Today, I will remind myself that God is here. He is in my now. In my mess. In my hectic day. In my business. Lol. But it's because He wants to be. My meditations will be on how He wants to accompany me on this caregiving journey. I'll turn my thoughts to how He wants me to acknowledge that He is with me. I'll gladly welcome Him into my hectic day, and I'll ask Him to stay as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


Just a Couple Days Left!

Bookcover of Affirmations for Caregivers
I have created a video series on my  YouTube channel. It goes over the affirmation each morning. The videos are only a couple of minutes long, and the first one was downloaded this morning! You can get the Affirmations for Caregivers book in several places. You can download it and have the eBook right now from my bookstore. It's also now available on Kindle or in print from Amazon

There is a video for each affirmation. Here is today's video.

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