The "Because" Clause


Chris outside enjoying the 45th Infantry Museum

As caregivers, we didn't exactly initiate the battle life threw our way. Most of us did choose to take on the fight, though, right? We didn't choose for our loved ones to have a disability, be in mental or physical decline, or have an accident. Our choice was to take care of our loved ones while acknowledging the battle it was going to thrust us into. And that's okay. Here we are!

In 1 Chronicles 5:18-20, it tells us of the armies of Rueben, Gad, and Manasseh. Since they were skilled warriors and heavily armed for the day, they launched an attack on the "ites" in the land. For caregivers, the battle chose us, but these tribes chose the battle. We don't know what happened or what was going down, but we know from verse 20 that they cried out to God during the battle. While that is important, it's the next part that got me.

After they cried out to God from an intense battle, it says He answered their prayer because they trusted in Him. I love that part. He helped them go ahead and win that battle - the one they started - because. The "because clause" is the most important part of this verse to me this morning. 

God could have told these tribes a lot of things - things we probably heard our parents say to us, things we most likely said to our own kids, such as:

  • You started it - now finish it.
  • You made your bed; now lie in it.
  • You picked a fight - be big enough to follow through.
  • You got yourself into this mess - get yourself out.
But God didn't say any of those things. Insert the because clause—because they trusted in Him—He answered them. They went on to fight and win that battle because God fought for them.

Here's what encouraged me in this passage. They started it, but God still heard them and helped them. They chose it, but God still heard them and helped them. They brought it on get the idea.

Today, I will encourage myself with the truth that God will hear me in the middle of my battle, one that I didn't choose. Instead, it chose me. God will answer me in the middle of the storm I had no control over at all. He will strengthen me as I sit in the back of the caregiver's cave, waiting for Him. If God stands up for those who choose the battle - He will certainly go to bat for those who had no choice. I will trust that He will hear me today, and He will answer. So, I will trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


Book of the Week!

Affirmations for Caregiver

  • Are you a caregiver?
  • Do you know a caregiver?
  • Do you need a little encouragement?
  • What does God think about you?

Grab a copy of the Affirmations for Caregivers! This devotional journal gives a scripture and an affirmation for every day. It follows up the truth with soul-searching questions and space to write out your personal answers. What a great way to give it to God and trust Him for another day!

Whether you see yourself as a caregiver or not, this affirmation journal will help change your perspective as you give it all to the One who gave you all. Grab a copy and dive in! It's designed to take about 5-10 minutes a day to reflect, think deeply, and lean into His heart a little closer.

eBook: Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore 

Kindle or Print: Amazon Bookshelf

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