Right Back to Him

me Chris and daddy at my brother's house

 God is so patient with us. I run to Him so often, I often wonder if He silently shakes His head as I approach for the millionth time. In a day. There have been those times when I've been angry with God. (It's okay to say it - it's not like He doesn't know anyway, right?) In my frustration, I've said out loud - I am not going to pray or talk to You anymore. That usually lasts for a few minutes.

It really doesn't take long and as soon as something happens there I go running right back to Him. Even those times I really, really, really, wanted to just give up - I found myself running back to Him. I'd picture myself packaging up all my faith and tossing it aside, but never could quite let go. The inability to just give up and walk away has been very frustrating at times.

But I am so glad that God understands my frustrations with faith and trusting Him in the middle of life's storms. He is patiently waiting for me each time I come running whether it was in praise or frustration - He'll take it all. He's always glad to see me - to see you every time we run right back to Him. He gets our frustration. He gets our deepest concerns, worries, hurts, despair.. and you can fill in that blank with whatever is on your heart today - and He gets it.

I absolutely love that God loves it when we run right back to Him - even after just leaving His presence. He has no limit on the number of prayers we get to lift up to Him. As a matter of fact, He isn't counting at all. He just waits. Patiently waits. And there He sits, waiting for us to come running right back to Him. He's willing and so eager to welcome us every time we come.

I don't know about you - but I love that He patiently waits for me to bring whatever I'm carrying in the moment. My journey turns into one of thanksgiving, knowing that He's right with me no matter what a day brings or doesn't bring. It's never too dark for Him. It's never too little or too big, too early or too late, too far or too close - it doesn't matter. He is waiting for us each time we come running, walking, crawling back to Him!

Today, I will rest in the truth that He is right here. I'll remind myself that He is with me and never bails on me - even when I act stupid or silly. Lol. My meditations will be on how He is my solid rock - the place I hide. I'll think about how trustworthy He is - with literally everything. And I will trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


Affirmations for Caregivers

Cover of Affirmations for Caregivers
I wrote Affirmations for Caregivers because it was what I needed to hear! This 31-day journal includes 31 scripturally based affirmations. Each day, the affirmation is followed by a short writing prompt and a verse or two to read. I also have videos on YouTube that coincide with each day's affirmation.

 Here is an example from Day 16:

Day 16: I Am Embraced
Affirmation: I will find grace to help me in my time of need today. I will bring my cares, concerns, weaknesses, and needs to the throne of grace. I have an open invitation. God will meet me there with the grace I need for today. He is not afraid of my weaknesses, He embraces them and strengthens me by His grace.

                                Write an invitation to God inviting Him into your day. Then, write an invitation
                                from God inviting you to trust His strength and grace.

                            Read Hebrews 4:14-16

New Release! Peace Out!

Cover of Peace Out! devotional

I just released the 31-day devotional Peace Out! It's in the Bible. Each day's scripture has something to do with peace - and how we can continue to enjoy it and walk in it - no matter what! It's available on Kindle and print in my Amazon bookstore and in printable ebook form on my new website Dove's Fire Publications. 


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