The Blessing


Ever have those days where it seems like one bad (or mostly bad) report follows another? Yesterday was one of those days for me. It wasn't super horrible stuff, but just not the best news either. I mulled it over in my mind and overthought all this new information. Because that's what I always do - until I turn to get God's answer. lol. I know, I'm weird. But my hyperactive analytical mind has to run information through all these formulas. You know what though, the answer is always to trust Him. 

As I was thinking about all this early in the morning, I thought about Job. He's one of my all-time favorite Bible characters. He stayed the course in some of life's stormiest seas. He navigated his life's boat right toward God no matter what presented itself. So I turned my Bible over to the first couple of chapters and read the account again. Job didn't even have time to process information on that day. One person after another came bearing bad news - it kept saying while he was still speaking...more bad news. On my absolute worst days it was never quite that overwhelming. 

To top it all off, since we've read the whole book of Job, we know there is more bad news coming, right? Job's response elicits the blessing. He first, allowed himself to mourn. He immediately tore his robe and shaved his head. (Job 1:20) In his culture, this was an outward sign of the deep distress of a soul. Then, he worshipped God. Why? Because God hadn't changed even with all the bad news, grief, and mourning - Job still trusted God.

James 5:11 says we count them blessed who endure. Think about that for a moment. Where do we draw inspiration from? Usually, it's from someone who's been through or who is going through. If I was trying to write devotions for caregivers without ever walking that road myself - who would read it? lol. We relate because we understand the inward struggles, the outward struggles, the mourning, and more that come with caregiving.

We look at Joseph, Daniel, Job, and all our Bible heroes with admiration for sticking with God during their struggles. We know the end of each of these stories and how God gets the glory and blessed each of them. We draw courage to face another day because we know just like them, we are not facing this day alone. We choose to trust Him for one more day - and we do it

Today, I will remind myself of these stories where God walked with these heroes through their trials. I'll remind myself that God didn't leave them stranded, that His grace was enough - even in the Old Testament to carry them through. I'll tell myself that He's going to carry me through today too - as I lean in to Him and trust Him more. Will you join me in trusting Him for one more day?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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