Reaching for the Sun

 I have several pots with succulents, flowers, and edibles all out on my patio. Then I have a row of flowers I planted in the ground outside the brick patio half-wall. I tell myself that was the best $12 I ever spent. Each time I go out, I see their brilliant colors and they make me smile from the inside out. I never dreamed a little row of simple flowers would brighten my day so much! 

This morning, I went out to tend my plants before the heat ramped up. I do this every morning. I water my plants and talk to them. Lol. I tell the flowers how pretty they look and my other plants how well they are growing and what a great job they are doing reaching for the sun. It resembles the things I like to hear - those things that encourage me to continue growing and reaching for Him.

Maybe that's what life is about, reaching for the Son.

Maybe we could all use a little encouragement today to keep reaching for Him.

In yesterday's devotion, I talked about how He is our one Rock. He is also our one Light. Our only strength. The only Shepherd of our souls. The One who comforts us, gives us peace and stands guard over our souls day and night. No day is too hot for Him and no night too dark. He walks through it all with us whether our soul seems to be scorching or silent. He's right there when it seems too dark to find our way. And we just keep reaching for the Son. That's our main job. It's essential to what we do as caregivers. We love the way He loves, care the way He cares, and watch over our loved ones like He watches over us.

Today, I want to encourage you to reach for the Son one more time, and I will do the same. My meditations will be on how my soul needs Him, and how He is so very present whether it feels like life's hot sun is beating down on my head, or my arms are not long enough to reach Him. I'll remind myself that He surrounds me like the sunlight surrounds my little plants - they cannot escape it! And I will rest in Him - trusting Him for one more day. Will you join me?


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