The Right Answer

Chris standing and looking out at the park

 When you first start out on your caregiving journey, there are tons (like millions) of questions. I had absolutely zero background in even basic nursing and caregiving. I knew some first aid and CPR since my mom was a nurse. Hearing her talk about her job and working with patients at least gave me a sense of what to do and not do during emergencies and certain situations. But caregiving? I knew nothing. I had tons of questions

As I began to walk out the days, I found some answers. I also found out that the answers given in institutions of care, like nursing homes and hospitals, weren't always right or practical. It took a lot of stumbling and what I call playing guess-and-check to get answers to many of my questions. But guess what! I still have tons of questions.

Every time Chris has an asthma attack or gets sick, I start looking for answers. What did I do wrong? What can I change to make things better? How can I change up our routine to help him? Lots of questions about those kinds of day-to-days. My earlier questions involved his specific care, today's involve nutrition, range of motion, and things I can do to continue fostering improvements. Sometimes, I get answers. Other times I really have to dig for them. Often, I don't get an answer at all. Many days it can feel like I am still dancing around wildly and blindly, hoping it will all come together in the end. I can feel like that a lot.

In my personal devotion time this morning, I found an interesting verse. I went through Micah, 1 Kings, and Psalms to get there, Lol. But I ended up in Proverbs 16. The first verse in the NLT (1995) says this: We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the right answer. That gave me a moment to pause, and I read it over and over again. I'm pretty good at gathering my thoughts - I have millions of them every second, it seems. :-) But if I want the right answer, I'm going to have to sit at His feet.

In this chapter of Proverbs, Solomon goes on to discuss how God examines our motives. Then the wise king offers more words of wisdom. He says in verse 3 to commit your (caregiving) work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed. So, here in the first few verses, we learn that God has the right answer and He has the key(s) to success. Solomon didn't exclude caregivers. He didn't say everybody who commits their work to the Lord will succeed except for... Our circumstances may exclude us from many things - but the promises of God are not among them! We can trust Him for the right answers and success, even in our caregiving attempts.

Today, I will shift my focus to the King of kings. I will make my plans, I have lots of plans and thoughts. But then, I will look to God for the final answers. I'll shoot all my questions to Him and wait to see what He says and the direction He provides. I'll remind myself that I am assured of His direction, care, and provision - no matter what today looks like. And I will trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

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