Path Choices

Chris standing and looking my daddy in the eye for the first time since his wreck

There's a lot that goes on in a single day in the life of a caregiver. We are all great jugglers, and learn to balance it all out. Of course, that usually means we end up cutting out our plans for free time or five minutes to relax. I may not get a shower for a day or two, but you can bet my son will get his personal needs met. Am I right? There's a lot to juggle, and there's a lot coming at us all at one time. In some ways, that's not much different than anyone else's chaotic life in these high-energy times.

This morning, there were a lot of things coming right at me, and I was sure they were not going to miss!  I found myself juggling things around here and there. I did opt for a shower and cut some other things, just so you know! Lol. But it can sure be frustrating trying to figure out which important things should go in those early morning hours. Do I cut my walk, which is beneficial to my physical and mental health? Or do I cut the shower which can offend anyone I might be near today? It sounds silly, but seriously, there's only time for one or the other some days.

I started raking my brain trying to think of some sort of scripture that would match (or support) all the crazy thoughts that were going through my head this morning. I certainly felt like a plate juggler who was trying to keep them all spinning so none would fall and break. The sad thing is that when we find ourselves in these types of scenarios, we are often the moving part that breaks. 

My thoughts ran through several scriptures, but I landed on two. They are in John 14 and John 16. In both passages, Jesus mentions both peace and trouble. He promises His peace no matter what - but there is always trouble nearby, it seems. So, then I realized it came down to a simple path choice. Will I choose to walk in His peace today, no matter how I may need to arrange or rearrange my tasks? Or will I embrace the trouble I see and feel all around me? It turns out it's a simple path choice. The "trouble" is going to be there, whether I choose peace or not! That simplifies it a bit, now, doesn't it?

Today, no matter what it looks like around me - I choose the path of peace. I choose to trust Him with my raw emotions, overburdened schedule, and heavy heart. I'll trust Him to handle it - I trust Him to handle me and all my messy thoughts! He won't turn a blind eye or ignore me, either, like people do sometimes. I'll remind myself that He's right here with me and ready to help me with anything I decide to relinquish control of. So, today, I'll give Him control. I choose peace, even if it means some things are not going to get done today. I'll choose to embrace His grace, His mercy, and His love as I trust Him with and for one more day. Will you join me?


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