Enough Already


Chris working on sitting upright at the 34 Project

As I was reading Galatians this morning, I realized that Paul began his greeting by praying grace and peace to the readers. Then, he ended the letter to the new church by speaking grace and peace over them. He spent the letter explaining to them how they were free from the law and free to live in Christ and His abundance. We are no longer bondslaves or slaves to sin because the Liberator lives in us. God provides us with a life of freedom from the bondage of the law - which had the purpose of bringing us to Christ. Now, our lives are hidden in Him, and Jesus lives through us. Wow!

Paul also mentioned in his letter to the Corinthians that God explained how His grace was enough - enough for whatever Paul was going through - and the dude went through a LOT! It seems God has us totally covered from the inside out. There is nothing that can come our way that His grace will not cover. The cool thing for me as a caregiver is that His grace knows just when to step in and carry me. But it's always enough.

It's enough for chocolate pudding days, botched shower days, horrible transfer days, my loved one won't eat days, and all the stuff in between, too! Actually, God does not have a list of things His grace will not cover. It covers us in thick and thin - like we talked about in yesterday's blog. Thick, thin, and everything in between - His grace covers, empowers, and carries as needed. He's got us on the days we feel like we have it all together, and those days we are sure we are losing "it." I'm so thankful He walks this caregiving journey with me and sandwiches my days in grace.

Today, I'll meditate on how His grace is enough. I'll spend some time giving thanks for all He's done and all He's brought me through to this point. And I'll use those to encourage myself to trust Him for today as well. My thoughts will be on how His grace never runs out or walks out but remains no matter what. I am so thankful that God doesn't abandon us but continues to cover us. I will look for His grace in action today. I'm sure I can trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

Check out my devotional: 31 Days in Psalm 31.

cover of 31 Days in Psalm 31

My devotional 31 Days in Psalm 31, is available as an ebook in the Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. But it's also available in my Amazon store in both print and Kindle formats. Grab a copy today!


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