Point of View

I was reading Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest  this morning. One of the subjects that he returns to a lot is abandonment to God. He speaks openly and honestly about this reckless abandonment to Him, total surrender. Honestly, the first thing that went through my mind was from here? Life as a caregiver hasn't too much left to give up sometimes! But then I realized we are really in the perfect spot to give it all to Him.

 Not one of our Bible heroes lived in ideal conditions. Joseph was in prison, Daniel was a captive, Jesus was born while kings were killing babies and beheading prophets. Even the early church thrived under much severe persecution! Why should the requirements change just because of our situations? No matter where we are in this journey of life we can give ourselves to Him. 

 We can give in to our circumstances so easily; I mean, face it - it's tough! There is not one thing that is easy or comfortable about being a caregiver...all the more reason to press into Him. In some ways it's such an opportunity to abandon to Him. Those who cannot attend church are actually in a great place to not be bound by the rigors of religion. There is no one to perform for! We are free to be totally hidden in Him.

 I have found this journey a little lighter when I look at it in this way. I can be hidden in Him without being hampered by religious obligations. I am free to live in Him because it's just me and Him - no need to worry about any one else's opinion! (they aren't here to judge!) I am free to give Him my all...no matter how small it seems it's still my all. Chose to live free today!

The Birds Are Still Singing

The birds are just singing and chirping away outside this morning. They at least sound happy! Jesus used nature a lot in His parables as He explained the kingdom to the crowds and His disciples. Hearing the birds this morning brought to mind the passage in Matthew 6 where Jesus was explaining about how the Father takes care of the birds, and He will take care of us as well.

 Jesus started by telling the crowd no to worry about life, food or clothes. He instructed them to consider the birds. They do not have to grow a garden, or reap a harvest. He went on to say yet your heavenly Father feeds them. And He followed that by saying are you not worth much more than they?

There has never been a time when I looked out the window and saw a bird wringing its wings worried about where the next meal is coming from! lol! Jesus is careful to tell us that it is God, the Father, who is feeding and caring for the birds of the air; and we are worth so much more to Him than these little critters!

 So today, let us purpose to trust Him for everything we need. He will provide for us. It may not come the way we want it, or in the timing we prefer! But until the birds stop singing, let us trust Him for our sustenance.

Don't Weep For Me

No one would argue with the fact that the life of a caregiver is difficult. There's just so many responsibilities on top of the normal ones like cooking, cleaning...and breathing! It takes a sort of a mastermind to get it all done in a day sometimes...don't you agree? (okay - at least organization and willpower!)

 Although none of us would ever chose to walk this way if some sort of tragedy had not happened, there are some things I think we have all learned along the troubled path. Even in the daily turmoil, there's a calm understanding of God as our refuge...as our strength...our comforter...our source...our peace...our love. These are things we might not have been able to take the time to find out before in our (what we thought were) busy lives!

 Joel 3:16b says the Lord is a refuge for His people, and a stronghold for the children of Israel. I only thought I knew of His safety before; and I would have never know what a strong refuge He is --before. And although I am (honestly) not thankful that my son had an accident; I am so very thankful to know God in a more intimate way.

 So don't weep for me...each day this terrible trial presses forward tearing away at what I thought I had left of my life...I draw closer to HIm. I learn more about His ways...I know Him better. In these types of situations it is imperative that we find the positives and major on those. Other wise we can be sucked into the great vacuum of depression. Today think about how you know Him better than you did yesterday. Think about the level of trust you have in Him now - how much you trust Him as the refuge for your soul.

 Don't weep for me...weep for those who do not know Him as their refuge. Weep for those who do not know that they can run to Him and be safe. (Prov 18:10) Take time to rest in Him today and thank Him for being there in your deepest trail and darkest days. Then live in the light of today!

Call to Intimacy

By the time you actually become a caregiver there's already been some sort of big ordeal in your life. You're not going to wake up in the morning and say, "I'm a caregiver now." Some series of events had to have happened that placed you in the position to chose it. Something, sometime had to of broken your heart...for each of us although the journey is similar - they are all uniquely different at the same time.

No matter what catapulted us to the place of caregiving, it had to hurt. And many times caregiving bears with it a hurt that does not go away...it's a living pain so deep it cannot be explained. No one can really understand it. No one can fix it. No one can make it go away...it's just there underneath the surface. The pain of being a caregiver is many faceted...because somewhere in the mix we lost our own lives in the shuffle.

Psalm 34:18 says this to us today The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Today, lay aside all the questions and the whys - you know - why didn't He fix this? type questions... and let your heart hear His heart for you. He is near - allow Him to be near you today. Don't move away...I see this scripture as a distinct call to intimacy with Him once again. Take a few minutes and think about what this already terrible journey would have been like if we didn't know Him. There would be absolutely no hope - anywhere - not even with the end of life - without Him...

Take some time to be near Him today - to allow Him to touch the damaged recesses of your heart - let Him heal the pains that no one has ever had any idea about. Let Him carry you today..He is near.

Stir it Up!

One of the most discussed topics at online caregiver support groups is the loneliness. It seems to be a common thread that runs through the very core of the pain and heaviness that comes with the territory. And for many it comes because of the lack of ability to get out. For some it's possible to get out on occasion, but so difficult and challenging it's just not practical. So there is not too much contact with the outside world...and that means no church attendance either. This can be draining for the caregiver.

That means that Bible study, devotions and fellowship with God is even more necessary. Sure, there may not be a "Christian support group" (which can be the role the church plays for many) to encourage us in our walk, and even though it's not necessary for our spiritual growth, it would be nice! But once again it's left solely in our hands to stir ourselves up to seek the Lord. Honestly, it's an individual thing for everyone, not just the caregiver.

This scripture in Isaiah 64:7 about stirring oneself up is in the middle of a cry for help from the prophet Isaiah. He's really asking God to tear the heavens apart and come to His people, come rescue them and let His presence be known. Verse 4 says this from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him. He goes on to talk about how God meets those who wait for Him and then he comes to verse 7 - where he says he hasn't seen anyone who would arouse himself to take hold of God.

There are two key things for our meditation today. One, that God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him; and two we can stir ourselves up to take hold of Him. There are no stipulations to these two actions - no unless you are in a difficult situation, and no but if's either. It's plain and simple, it's in our power even in our pain to take hold of Him and walk with Him.And as we wait for Him , He will show Himself strong on our behalf. Take time today to take hold of Him.

Body, Soul and Spirit

God created us to be a triune being, meaning we are comprised of three parts - we are a spirit being, we have a soul, and all this is housed in our body. Our body is the only temporary part of us and yet we worry more about it than the other two parts many times! Of course it must be well taken care of as it is the only way we can keep our soul and spirit here on earth.

It is interesting to note that there are three consecutive chapters in Isaiah that generally cover all three areas. Isaiah 53,54 and 55. Actually, Isaiah 53 covers all three in itself, but much of it is speaking of the body; or perhaps it is just that we apply it more to the healing of the body - it speaks of all three parts of man in this chapter alone. But in its general reference it is talking about literal stripes upon the physical body of Christ which brings healing to our physical body as well. (side note: just because we do not see our loved ones raised up in an instant does not mean God does not still heal....He just hasn't yet)

Isaiah 54 speaks more to the soulish realm of our being.It begins with a command to "shout for joy." It deals with many emotional areas: shame, humiliation, and fear. And God promises to comfort, be compassionate, and protect.

Chapter 55 speaks of our spiritual sustenance. God invites us to come and eat bread and drink wine and milk that cannot be purchased with money. He invites us to come, listen and seek Him. In this chapter we see that His word (Jesus) will not - did not - return to Him void. Perhaps this is also a picture of the effect His word still has in our spirit man today...as we seek HIm our spirit becomes the ground His word goes into and He will reap what He sows. (check out Hosea 2:21-23 and Matthew 13)

And I think Isaiah 54:10 sums it up well. It says for the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken."  His peace and lovingkindness are not affected or shaken by anything that occurs in the natural. The earth shaking until mountains and hills more around cannot reach His heart nor change His purposes for us. So rest in Him today knowing that He has not changed His mind about you no matter what you are facing!

Are You Comfort - Able?

Yeah, I know I sort of made up a knew word, comfort-able is not the proper spelling but it conveys the thought...or should in a minute when I get done! lol! The cares of the day can start very early in the morning and last long into the night for caregivers. And for some it can also mean a sleepless night, even at best sleep may be broken up into little pieces. Caregivers have to find some comfort somewhere.

Most of  the ones who are reading a "devotional" will probably admit that God is the source of comfort. Jesus even said in John 14:16 that He was sending us the Comforter. That the Holy Spirit would walk with us and help us. But the question today is this: are you comfort-able?

Will you allow the Lord to bring comfort to your soul? We don't like to think about it - but it will require some action on our part as well. We will have to make up our minds to slow down for a minute, and let Him comfort our souls. In Psalm 46:10, David penned, Be still and know that I am God.

Today make yourself comfort-able, able to be comforted. He is not going to chase us down and pour it in our soul. But when we stop even for a few seconds (because sometimes that's really all we have available) and know that He is God His comfort will encourage our soul. Be comfort-able!

Not Lost

The caregiving journey can often feel like a crazy ride that never ends. Just about the time you get used to being up - the downhill comes. ...