How Seniors Can Maintain a Healthy Weight

All over America, senior populations continue to grow as older adults are living longer due to advances in medicine. A higher number of seniors are experiencing many of the problems that plague younger generations, including weight gain. Although obesity levels are much lower in seniors, there is a circular relationship between longevity and a healthy weight. As people live longer, their caloric needs change which can put them at risk for overeating. And the more seniors exercise, the longer they live.

The key to balancing a healthy diet with exercise is to find programs that are enjoyable and sustainable.  Here are some tips for senior diets and exercise.

Senior dieting requires more than just calorie restriction

The general rule with dieting is that in order to lose weight, one must create a caloric deficiency. A pound of body fat roughly equates to 3,500 calories. Therefore, in order to lose a pound in a week—which is generally considered a healthy weight-loss goal—a 500-calorie-a-day deficiency is necessary. Senior metabolism is slower than that of a younger person. Whereas a 30-year-old man may require 2,500 calories per day to maintain his weight, at 70 he may only require 1,800 calories. This slower metabolism makes it easier to overeat and harder to create a weight-loss deficiency. In addition, seniors have increased nutritional requirements in order to maintain bone mass and muscle strength. Simply reducing calories can result in malnutrition or injury.

Quality calories are key

Although a balanced diet is required for optimal health at any age, seniors require a high-protein diet that is lower in overall calories. This diet is possible through scrutinizing calorie quality. Empty calories, such as those found in refined sugar, bad fats, and alcohol, do great damage to a senior’s weight management. A good diet, therefore, would include foods that provide nutrition and fiber. Some good senior foods include:

-       High-quality protein, including eggs, fish, lean meats, and beans.
-       Dark, leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and cabbage.
-       Good fats such as those found in avocados and olive oil.
-       Reduced amounts of complex carbohydrates including grains and fruits.

Balancing diet with exercise

Since it is difficult to create a calorie deficiency sufficient to lose weight with diet alone, exercise can help. Experts suggest that seniors, even those with healthy weights, get 2.5 hours a week of moderate exercise or 1.5 hours a week of high-intensity exercise. Since high-intensity workouts can cause injury and fatigue, most seniors opt for incorporating some easy exercise, such as brisk walking, to their weekly routine.

If a senior weighing 160 pounds were to walk about 20 minutes a day, they will burn around 700 calories a week. If looking to lose a pound, an easy 20-minute walk already would have shaved off 100 calories each day, making the goal more attainable.

To maximize weight loss, there are other low-impact exercises that seniors can do at home. With a small amount of equipment, such as resistance bands and a yoga mat, you can put together a home gym for less than $100. The key is to find a good spot in your home. You don’t need a lot of space, just space that is comfortable and convenient.

In addition to promoting weight loss, exercise has been shown to increase longevity, with those following the recommended exercise of 2.5 hours a week living an average of 3.4 years more than those who do not.

Senior weight loss can be tricky, due to lowered metabolism, but through exercise and smart food choices, you can get down to a healthy weight.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Walking on Water

Just after I finished yesterday's devotion about how Jesus was sleeping in the boat and woke up to calm the waves, I thought of another story about Jesus and a storm. In Matthew 14, Jesus had just fed the 5000+ with two fish and five loaves of bread when He loaded up the disciples in a boat and sent them across the lake while He sent people home. After seeing that everyone was sent off safely, He retreated to a quiet place for prayer. While He was praying, a storm came up and started tossing His disciples to and fro. 

In our last devotion, Jesus was asleep in the boat and woke up to calm the waves. This time, He sees His disciples in distress and just takes off walking across the top of the water to where they were. In both settings, the disciples were first afraid of the storm, then afraid of Jesus. This time they think a ghost is coming at them across the waters. Jesus calls out to them and says some powerful words. I am here! Don't be Afraid! 

These words from the New Living Translation stood out to me. First off, Jesus took off walking across the water to get to His terrified disciples. He didn't stay safely on shore hoping they would get across. He met them in their storm. He met them in their fear. I take comfort in the fact that He came to them. They didn't even call out to Him as far as we know. He saw their distress and headed for them.

As caregivers, there can be much fear, much distress, much confusion, and much grief. God doesn't sit safely on the shores of life hoping we can sort it out. He comes to us in the midst of the storm offering peace, comfort, and direction. 

Today, I will turn my thoughts to how He came out to where His disciples were and met them in their time of need. I'll meditate on His ever-abiding presence and desire to be with us His children. I'll be thankful that He is willing to meet us in our mess and make a difference in our hearts. He can calm the storm in our heart even if the storm we are in rages on. I'll trust him for peace today and I will let it reign in my heart today. Will you join me?

Ups and Downs

One year ago I went and got my aunt. I knew I was bringing her up to Oklahoma for good. She did not. Over this year she has declined but is still doing pretty good. The day I went to get her I became a full-time caregiver for two. It was difficult and I would do it for several months before she would need more care than I could provide. It was a difficult decision but best for her safety. I remain a full-time caregiver for my son and provide long-distance caregiving for my aunt. It's definitely made for a rocky year - especially emotionally. But I know I'm singing to the choir! :-)

I have been reflecting on this past difficult year over the last few days so the scriptures I found this morning were particularly relevant to my life. I had looked up a verse a friend shared with me yesterday so my Bible was opened to Psalm 107. I found myself reading verses 23 to 32 over a few times. the psalm is about giving God thanks for His works of deliverance according to the subtitle. These few verses are talking about those who do business in ships.

The psalmist describes the rocky seas and the fears of those who travel through the storms. But it says God delivers them from trouble and distress. It talks about how the waves rise and fall abruptly. Those in the ship are scared and rightly so! I thought about how the lives of caregivers can be like the rising and falling of the waves. All.Day.Long. And sometimes through the night - up and down!

Meditating on this passage reminded me of one out of Mark4. Jesus was asleep in the boat when He and His disciples came across a storm that rocked their world. He had told them they were going to the other side. When they woke Jesus up He said three simple words. Peace Be Still. Then He turned to them and asked Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? After they saw what Jesus did and how He calmed the storm, it says they feared exceedingly and asked, who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him? They were more afraid of Him than they had been of the storm.

I don't know about you but I need a storm-calmer in my life. Daily. He may need to do it over and over and over every single day. But He is always right there to reduce the effects of the winds of caregiving. Many fears can arise. He can dispel them. We face problems, lack, emotions, and crazy situations only caregivers can understand. But each time, when we turn to Him He speaks calm and peace into the situation. Sometimes it's multiple times in a day. But He's right there for us - whenever we need Him. He provides peace and calm in our storms.

Today, I won't be afraid to ask Him to speak peace into the storms. My thoughts will be on trusting Him in the midst of rocky circumstances. I'll meditate on His peace and how I can embrace it more fully. I'll remind myself that the rocky periods don't last forever - there is a caregiver's normal. lol. I'll trust Him with my heart and my emotions today as I pursue Him and His peace. Let's do what Paul said - Let His peace reign in my heart. Will you join me?

Thoughts of Peace

To be honest, I'd pretty much dismissed the promise so many claim out of Jeremiah 29:11. I'd wondered how that particular verse could possibly be applicable to the caregiving situation. When I'd see it or hear it quoted, I just didn't think I could apply it. It's easy to get tucked away in our caregiver's cave and seriously think there are a few scriptures or passages that do not apply to us. But this morning as I was reading through this chapter I realized something I'd been missing.

I went back up to the first part of the chapter. Jeremiah starts out explaining who he was sending the letter to the remainder of the elders who were carried away captive - to the priests, the prophets, and all the people Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon. So, I read the chapter again with new eyes.

Jeremiah first offered some instruction for those in captivity. Sometimes, caregiving can seem like captivity. We cannot always go places we'd like to go or do things we like to do. Even simple things like getting groceries, coffee with friends, or going to a movie just can't happen. If we are able to get out, it's not as simple or spontaneous as just jumping in the car. It can be pretty complicated. It's easy to feel confined.

Here's what Jeremiah told those who had been carried away into their captivity. He said:

  • take wives - get married
  • have children
  • let your kids get married
  • increase and not decrease 
  • seek the peace of the city
  • pray for your city
  • know the true word of the Lord
These sum up what Jeremiah told the captives in verses 5-9. I think these are great instructions for any situation that feels binding or constraining. One of my first prayers was that I would not become bitter. I could see myself writing books from life's prison cell. It can be so easy to withdraw and feel like we don't have a place or a piece. But we do - we should spiritually increase even in the midst of the storm. Let caregiving drive you to the throne and become more intimate with God. Spiritually, we can increase right where we are.

I must say now that I can hold on to the promise I once discarded. He does have good thoughts toward me. He still promises me a future and a hope - caregiving didn't steal that promise. It may look a LOT different than I thought it would - but His promises still stand. Increase is still possible even in the most difficult situations. 

Today, I will be thankful for this renewed promise. I'll meditate on His promise of hope and peace. My thoughts and prayers will be toward wisdom to know how to increase (spiritually) in the midst of the storm. I'll turn my thoughts to how I can pursue and maintain His peace in my heart no matter what is going on around me. And I will be content in Him as I trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

Full Package Deal

ornery looking chris
Pardon my absence. I had the opportunity to go away for a ladies retreat this past weekend and you know how involved it can be just to get ready to be gone for a bit. I'm so thankful for respite! You don't get a break just to get ready, nor do you get a break when you walk back through the door. lol I know you guys understand - thank you.

My thoughts this morning are on the seeking. I love how God is there for whatever we need when we seek Him. 2 Peter 1:3 tells us His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness - through our knowledge of Him. Whatever we need we will find in Him. But we've got to seek Him - not just what we think we need.

I was reading in Jeremiah 29 where it says you will seek Me and find me when you seek Me with all your heart. What is it you need today? As caregivers, we can have a long, long list. (Or at least I have one!) I know I need His strength to make it each day. I need His wisdom to make choices that arise. I need His peace every moment of every day. And I'd like to have a bit of joy on the side. I still need His provision and all his promises to me. You can say it out loud - I need __________ today.  I understand how our needs are pressing and constantly changing. Even our slowest, easiest days (whatever that is!!!) we need His grace. (Maybe it's just me! :-)

But I took a second look at this promise in Jeremiah. His promise is that we will find HIM when we seek for HIM. May our seeking be solely for Him and not just for the "things" we need from Him. You see, when we seek Him - we'll get the full package deal. We won't fully have peace if we don't allow Him to reign in our hearts. If we don't seek Him - we won't be able to hear His wise instructions.

Today, I will seek Him because He is, not just so I can reap the automatic benefits. There's no sweeter peace than being in His presence. I'll be thankful today that He hears my "faintest cry" and He invites me to come to Him - and when I come (when you come) we get the full package deal. My thoughts today will be on pursuing Him with my whole heart and resting in His promises - every single one! I will seek Him, trust Him, and rely on Him for just this one more day. Will you join me?

Power to Stand

Do you ever have one of those days where it seems like everything sends you off the emotional edge? Sometimes as caregivers it's nearly every day as we tend to live on the edge emotionally. It's called being on overload. We typically live in that state until it becomes the norm for us. There are times when it's worse than others. Little things become huge boulders standing in the way of peace.

Later, sometimes much later, it can seem comical. A shoe coming untied, dropping a fork while trying to eat, or forgetting to push "on" to start the coffee pot are all minor things. But for those of us on overload, it can send us on a downward spiral. For me, sometimes, it's a picture of Chris before his wreck or hearing some of the music he used to write. Maybe finding a handwritten note from him from years ago. What is it for you that cause tears to well up in my eyes and a lump to block your throat? It's not often much.

During those difficult times when emotions are trying to drag us down a path we don't want to go down but don't always have the strength to resist, we stand. But there are times we don't have the strength to fight (or maybe it's just me) and we can quickly feel overwhelmed and overtaken. Then there is frustration on top of all the other bombarding emotions. Here's the good thing - we don't have to muster it up ourselves. 

I was reading in Ephesians 6 today and was looking forward to the phrase I remember so well - when you've done all to stand, stand. That's where I felt like I was - doing all I could to just stand. But I found a phrase that lept out to me before I could get there. In verse 10, Paul says this: A final word: Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. (NLT) I was so relieved to not have to figure out where to get the strength to stand and then just stand - it's His power holding me up. It's His power giving me strength. I don't have to go look for a way to be strong - I can totally rely on Him. And that's good on the days I just don't have it.

Today, I will turn my thoughts to how His Spirit lives in me and empowers me to continue to stand. I may not be walking or running or jumping - I can just stand knowing He's got this and He's got me. My meditations will be on the truth that His Spirit is who is holding me up and helping me stand. And I don't have to do anything else but stand - by His power in me.  Will you join me in standing today?

This One Thing

This morning I read through Ecclesiastes. I'm not sure what I was looking for but it came to mind and I read it. While several things stood out to me, I guess I found what I was looking for in the last few verses of the book.

During his final thoughts, the king said this, Here is my final conclusion: fear God and obey His commands, for this is the duty of every person. (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NLT) I began to think about what that meant for me in my situation. As caregivers, it can feel like life played us a harsh hand. But, we are still in the game.

There's a lot on our plate from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed. Many times there's no sleep due to duties during the nighttime hours as well. I have felt bad because I couldn't be "as faithful" to the church as I was in days BC. (Before Caregiving) It's easy to feel pressured to measure up to what others think and often I feel like I don't do enough. Maybe that's why this scripture spoke to me this morning. My duty is simply to fear God and to serve Him no matter what type of hand life deals. Regardless of what's on my plate today - I need to do everything to His glory. Remember Colossians 3:17 tells us: no matter what you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus..(NLT)

Today, I can take the pressure off myself and I hope you can do the same. We don't have to measure up to any religious creed. We don't have to do anything but fear Him and serve Him no matter what our circumstances. I'll turn my thoughts today to simply pleasing Him. I can dedicate this day to Him and serve my loved one in a way that glorifies Him. I'll rest in the truth that it is enough and He is pleased. Will you join me?

Twists and Turns

  As caregivers, we never know what a day will bring. It can make it very difficult to make plans because we never know if we'll be able...