Circumstance and Faith

It is way too easy to measure our personal faith level by our circumstances. Many would make it sound like if we are going through a tough situation then we lack faith. I firmly believe that it is just the opposite. Faith doesn't mean that I can make every unpleasant situation simply disappear. Faith means I can keep walking through adversity.

In 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 the apostle Paul laid out some pretty grim circumstances. He said that even when we are perplexed, we are not in despair; when we are afflicted, we are not totally crushed. If adverse situations like the reasons we care give (illness, traumatic brain injury, physical limitations, etc) are a sign of no faith then Paul had no faith. A further study into 2 Corinthians 11 and 12 will show that Paul went through all kinds of trouble - yet we do not consider him to be faithless.

Be encouraged today that faith isn't a magic potion to make trouble disappear; it is the substance that will carry you through today. Faith says I trust God no matter what. Faith sees adversity put pushes on anyway. I think caregivers must be people of great faith as we see the adversity and embrace it. We cannot make it go away, but we can do what we can to help. That requires faith, hope and love.

So press on O ye of great faith!

The Lord of Hosts Is With Us

You know as well I as do that there are good days and then there are bad days. I suppose that in the end they all even out. But no matter what we may be going through emotionally, mentally and even physically care giving must go on. It's not like you can just say I think I will take today off. That just cannot happen in this setting.

I have come to realize that I am caring for God's child. He is my son and I love him, but he belongs to God. So that makes me a minister. I am serving my son, who belongs to God! Surely God is with us as we care for His children.

Psalm 46 has been a long time favorite of mine. I meditate on the first few verses on a regular basis. And many of us have seen our worlds shaken! But today my eyes and heart are on verses 7 and 11. It's interesting that he made the same statement two times in this short psalm. But today this will be my meditation:

The Lord of hosts is with us (caregivers)
The Lord of Jacob is our stronghold.

Take Care of Yourself

Today I had someone sit with my son so I could run a 10K. Then I spent the afternoon with my daughter. It was very refreshing and much needed. I am learning that to be a good caregiver I have to find a way to take care of myself as well.

Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. God lives in us. To be able to take care of others we must keep this body God gave us in shape and feeling well. My problem has been that it is very difficult for me to ask others to help. Silly, I know - but difficult. I am learning.

Please take time to care for the body He gave you - it's the only one you get and to be able to take good care of others we must take care of ourselves first. It is not selfish to enjoy things and outings every now and then! So take some time soon - God is our caregiver, as we care for our loved ones. But we must remember that He desires us to care for ourselves as well.

God's Unchangeable Purpose

I am presently reading the Bible through alphabetically. (don't ask - I'm just weird like that!) Today I was reading through Hebrews and found this phrase: the unchangeableness of His purpose. Nowt he passage is talking about how He brought us hope in Christ and has never changed His mind. But I believe it gives us some insight into Who He is and what He is like.

He is not a God who sits in the heavens and changes His mind. That would be a huge thing to try to redirect! He is constant and sure - even if life is unstable and unpredictible. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He is our constant (and consistent) rock that we can stand on, hide in or run to when we are troubled.

I am so glad that the circumstances of my life do not dictate His stability! He is sure and He is with us today as we care for our loved ones.

Who's Helping Who?

I'm sure as a caregiver you can look back over your journey and see that there have been many players, many helpers. At some point there have been hospital staff or home health personnel who have helped in any one of a wide variety of ways.  And of course somewhere in the mix is a physician and a pharmacist. All these have worked together for the benefit of the patient whether or not they've actually had direct contact with one another.

But with all the "help" there is avaialable through the medical system, none of them is "my helper." Psalm 121 says my help comes from the Lord Who made heaven and earth. When I realize that and meditate on it - it can make today's load a little lighter.

He created everything! All the oceans, seas, mountains, caves, forests, valleys and hills are the work of His hand. By His word the sun and the moon do their job and the earth maintains its route in orbit. That God is my help! - sheesh! I guess that sort of makes HIm our caregiver. So while I am caring for my son today - He is caring for me! I think I can relax and rest in that thought for awhile.

Facing Goliath

As a caregiver even small things can seem huge becasuse of the strain we are under. The tiniest thing (even if we know it is tiny) can set us off into lala land with our emotions. And the bigger things - there's no description for those emotions...and many times no words.

Today I encouraged myself with the story of David. He faced Goliath. He had never faced a giant before. Actually, there's no indication that he faced any person before that day - not in the heat of battle. He wasn't old enough to be a soldier. But he had faced similar odds.

He had faced a lion and a bear. They had come to steal the sheep he was keeping and he didn't have anything but the strength of his hands and the help of God! And he tore them apart!

My meditations are on things today that I may or may not have any control over. Situations come up that perhaps I have not been through. But because of what I have seen God carry me through in the past I can stand in His strength and face them.

David had this mentality. God had given him the strength to take out the bear and the lion and he had no doubt He would take the giant down as well. So I don't kow what your today looks like - but remind yourself of the things you've seen God bring you through in the past. It will help to bring some light to today - and the future as well - becasue we know that He will never leave us or forsake us!

Day to Day Life...

As a caregiver we really never know what a day will bring. For me the days my son does well I find my emotions much easier to handle. When he is alert and more active my day is just better. And somedays it is just hectic no matter how things are going, emotions and thoughts are all over the place.

Those are the times when I must remind myself of Psalm 46:10 Be still and know I am God. That takes a conscious effort on my part. My mind and heart have to slow dow and become still. That's not always an easy task! But once I get my spirit under control and am still and just concentrate on Him, His greatness consumes me.

Isaiah 26:3 says I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me. So take some time to quiet yourself before our great God today. Think about His greatness and His mercy. It takes His strength to carry us through many of these days. But as always His grace is sufficient.

Today let's rest in Him.

Twists and Turns

  As caregivers, we never know what a day will bring. It can make it very difficult to make plans because we never know if we'll be able...