Exemption Cards Please!

My Bible sort of fell open to 2 Chronicles this morning and I read through a few stories of kings. It was interesting how one king would serve God and the next would not. After a few chapters, I thought - it really is a matter of the heart. It's a choice we all have to make whether to serve him or not, whether we are kings or peasants. In 2 Chronicles 28 Ahaz became king. but his heart wasn't right with God, scriptures say he was unfaithful. Verse 22 stood out to me this morning - it says this And when trouble came to King Ahaz, he became even more unfaithful to the Lord. (NLT)

I'm not really sure why that verse struck me so this morning. You see, for most of us, trouble leads us back to Him. For many, it's the only time they pray. lol. As caregivers, every day brings "trouble." It can be something that seems as simple as fears. For me - I fear not being enough, not making the right decisions for those I care for, or not being able to take care of them. Trouble comes in many forms from fear, to financial burdens, or illness. Hopefully, it's not the only time we talk to the Lord, not the only times we seek Him, but it's better than nothing! What I don't understand is why King Ahaz would be more unfaithful in trouble.

I've said for years that it is important to get to know God when there isn't trouble. When you are seeking Him as a shelter it works a lot better for you if you already know Him. But it really is better late than never. If we pursue Him when there isn't trouble it's much easier to trust Him in the midst of it. The disciples in the boat in the storm come to mind. 

In Matthew 14, Jesus sent His disciples off in a boat to the other side of the lake. It was the middle of the night and a storm came up. There's a lot in that right there. I would think being out on the lake at night would be scary enough - but then heavy waves came up too. Caregiving is like that I think. It can be very dark at times, heavy enough without added winds and waves of a storm. You would think we would get an exemption card from the rest of life, but we don't. 

So here are the disciples in a doubly scary place and Jesus comes walking on the water. Of course, this looked like a third fear-factor! But Jesus told them "It's alright. I am here! Don't be afraid." (Matthew 14:27) Peter, like me, is unsure - if it's you, Lord, tell me to come to you on the water.  Jesus tells him to come on. Peter jumped out of the boat and walked on the water, at night, in a storm. Why? Because he knew Jesus outside the dark and outside the storm.

I pray the storm makes me more faithful to Him

Today, I'm going to think about how Jesus came to the disciples in their storm when He could have stayed safely tucked in on the shore. My meditations will be on how He comes to me when life seems dark, and when I feel tossed by the storm. Even with thoughts of fear running through my head - my heart will say I trust Him. And that I will do for one more day. Will you join me?

Under the Shelter

I chose this picture today for our look at God being our shelter because we were taking shelter under a tree to avoid the hot sun! I'm still meditating in Psalm 62:5-6. I'm looking at how David said God is our rock, shelter, and fortress and how each of these provides a different level of protection. Yesterday, we looked at the rock - which can be beneficial to hide behind or get on top to see what the enemy is up to and which way he's coming from. Today, we'll look at how God is our shelter.

A shelter protects us differently than a rock or fortress can. Job 24:8 says this: they are wet with the mountain rains and hug the rock for want of a shelter. In other words, whoever "they" is in this reference didn't have a shelter and hugging a rock won't protect you from getting wet. lol It also won't protect you from the heat of the sun when it bears down on you. But a shelter will.

A shelter is something you get up under. I've been in the woods when drenching rains came through and tried to shelter up under the trees to keep from getting too wet. If you've ever watched survival shows like Bear Grylls, you know he talks about how to make a shelter in different settings. Why is that? It protects you from sunstroke in the heat and from getting soaked in the rain or snow.

Two scriptures come to mind when I think about how God provides a shelter. The first is Psalm 91:1-4 which says,

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper
And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

I love that one! It's an old favorite. But notice it doesn't guarantee trouble won't come. It does say He will cover us. Our souls won't die from the heat or drown in the rain that life brings our way when we stay hidden under His wings. Psalm 57:1 is my other favorite:

Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me,
For my soul takes refuge in You;
And in the shadow of Your wings, I will take refuge
Until destruction passes by.
Notice again there are no promises that trouble won't come. Just that when it does come - we have a safe place for our souls to hide. This does require that we stay under His protection, that we stay put under His wings.

Today, I'm going to be thankful that my soul has a place to hide in Him. My meditation will be on how I can stay put under His shelter when the day gets out of hand or I get discouraged. I'll turn my thoughts to how He protects my soul willingly and all I have to do is trust and stay there, hidden in Him. I plan on staying put under His shelter will you join me?

The Value of a Rock

This is not a rock in the picture - it's actually a stack of hay that was about 2-3 stories tall. I climbed it during an obstacle course run one weekend. I felt like I had conquered all from up there! Honestly, I'm just using it because I can't find a picture of me on a rock. :-)

I'm going to break down the three positions in Him I pointed out in yesterday's devotion. After I posted it, I started thinking about each of the ways God protects us as listed in Psalm 62:6. He can be our rock - our shelter - our fortress.

Let's think about a rock - a BIG rock first. I can hide behind it. If it's big enough I can crouch down and my enemy will never be able to see me. I am safely hidden from approaching harm. I can't really get under a rock - but I can position myself behind it so that it is all my enemy sees as he approaches. We can hide behind Him - He protects us from direct onslaughts of the enemy.

But here's a cool thing about a rock. I can also get on top of it. One of my favorite views is found in Wilburton, Oklahoma at Robbers Cave State Park. There's an abandoned cave - the state closed the cave to keep people from getting inside long ago. But you can go up the side on a rocky trail to get to the top. I love standing there taking in the view as you can see for miles in almost every direction. Pine trees create a natural picture frame around the picturesque landscape. It's beautiful. I love to climb up there and imagine how the bad cowboys back in the day used it as their lookout.

I think it's fair to draw a parallel there too. We can get up on our rock  - and see ahead. He will alert us to what is coming if we pay close attention. I can hide behind Him - or I can be held up high by Him. Psalm 18:48 says, He delivers me from my enemies - and lifts me up above those who rise up against me. He can be a protective layer from our enemies or He can lift us up above fear, doubt, confusion, exhaustion....(the caregiver's enemies).

Today, I'm going to think about how He is that rock for me. A place to hide - and when that's not quite good enough - He will lift me above the caregiver's fog - and set me on the rock. My meditation will be on how He is my protector and He has my best interest at heart - His heart. I'll trust Him today whether I am lifted high or hidden behind His glory. Will you join me?

Positionally Speaking

 So many things going through my mind. Maybe that’s totally normal for caregivers. Our proverbial plate is more than full with caregiving tasks, decisions, and life too. Some days I jump up and hit the ground running... others I’m almost too tired to turn over to reach my alarm. Tired but still busy are accurate descriptions I think- for all of us. Yet we keep going- like the energizer bunny. Sometimes people around us don’t know how tired we really are.

These were some of my thoughts this morning as I opened Psalm 62. I am still meditating on this psalm. I keep going back, partially because I keep getting something out of it and partly because I keep seeing new stuff. That’s one of the coolest things about reading the Bible regularly. It doesn’t get tired...always something new even if you’ve read it before. That may be partly because of the changes life brings about in us and partly because He said His Word is alive! (Hebrews 4:12)

As I sit in the doctor’s office this morning I opened my Bible app to soak up some more of this psalm. I noticed for the first time that David repeated a phrase. I suppose that means it was important to him. Maybe he just wanted to remind himself of something.

This phrase is in verse 2 and then again in verse 6- He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. (NLT) I think the point I pulled out was never be shaken. I know God is my rock, salvation, and fortress too... can I rest assured that I won’t be shaken? Some days I feel shaken... shook... needing to find that place of re-grounding in Him.

So after some thought, I look back at the three other terms- rock, shelter, fortress. They must have something to do with not being shaken. I wonder if the psalmist is just being repetitive. I don’t think so- these are three forms of protection. Maybe different levels. I can hide behind a rock. I hide under a shelter. I hide inside a fortress. God’s got me covered. As long as I “position” myself in Him, under Him, and behind Him He’s got me!

Today, I’ll let my meditation be on my position with Him. I’ll think about how He covers me, hides me, and shelters me. My soul’s position will be on its knees in worship of all He is and who He is. I’ll trust Him to be my rock, my shelter and my fortress- will you join me?

Same - But Different

As caregivers, I know you understand how difficult the days and nights can be. Even our best days can be filled with struggles. Each day seems to take all that we have to make it through emotionally and physically. Some days are darker than others, aren't they? We can be going along at a good speed with everything going well - supplies on time, meals delivered, our loved one has a good day, a friend calls... or we just have a moment to catch our breath!

But there are those other days too, the topsy-turvy ones where it seems nothing goes right. Equipment breaks (usually the weekend too!), supplies didn't get ordered and now you're out, help doesn't show up. I know you know the drill all too well.

Then there are those dark times. For me, it is usually the middle of the night. Chris isn't feeling well or he's running a high fever and I have exhausted my resources. Those times when I am not sure what to do and I do not have the capacity to just make it better can be the most frustrating. I think it was Oswald Chambers who first coined the term, dark night of the soul. As caregivers, I know you understand those unexplainable, difficult times.

And with those dark times in mind, but hopefully far away for now - verse 12 in Psalm 139 has more significance to me. David says this:

Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You
But the night shines as the day;
the darkness and the light are both alike to You.

I used to wonder about this verse, but as I was reading it again this morning it suddenly made sense. My original thinking was that He is light - so He can't see darkness. But I think there's a little different way to look at it. He sees the darkness alright. It's just that His vision isn't affected by my darkness. He doesn't need to squint to see what is going on in my life even in the darkest night. He sees just as well when my days are as bright and cheery as they can be and days when my emotions are boiling over with fear and anxiety. It all looks the same. He looks the same. He is calm. He is peace. He is light. He is comfort. His vision is not obscured by my darkness, not in the least. He sees just fine no matter what I am facing. And He's right there to help me make it through.

Today, I will meditate on how He can see in my darkness. I'll think about how it all looks the same to Him day and night. I'll rejoice in the truth that when my way is difficult - His vision didn't change. He still sees my path, He still sees the end, and He still sees me!

Behind and Before

This week I've continued my studies in Psalm 62. I'm still meditating and writing out some things from this phrase in verse 5 let all that I am. It's more than "okay" to bring all that we are before Him, it's required for a whole relationship. While thinking about bringing all that I am (and all that I am not) before Him openly I found myself once again in Psalm 139.

It seems David understood how intimately God knows us - whether we acknowledge it or not. I love this whole psalm, but as I was reading and rereading it this morning this phrase in verse 5 stood out to me - Behind and before.

David is in the middle of a discourse about how God knows us through and through. He knows our thoughts, words, deeds, ways, movements... pretty much everything! Then David says this You have hedged me behind and before and laid Your hand on me. (NASB) I paused for a bit to think about that. God has hedged us - enclosed us. So I wondered, what did He enclose us in?  Time?

I think He has enclosed us behind and before with Himself. He covers us. Surrounds us. He's got our past covered and our future covered with His grace. And He's not afraid to touch us - He has laid His hand on us! It seems to me that He has made us the center of His attention. He makes sure our paths (although not perfect, smooth, or easy) are wrapped by Him. If we can see ourselves encapsulated in His presence, surrounded by Him - it makes each step a bit easier, I think. I can't step far enough to step away from Him. My pathway cannot get so entangled that He is not in the next step. I'm hedged in behind and before. I love that thought!

Today, I will think about how His presence surrounds me. There wasn't an "off" button because I became a caregiver. He isn't afraid of our live's picture and He's not scared to reach in and touch us either. I'll be purposefully grateful that He's got me hedged in and His hand is still on my life. And as I meditate on how thoroughly He has me covered - I'll just rest in Him and trust Him for today. Will you join me?

Someone I Do Not Know

I'm sitting here crying for someone I do not know...
Their story just came across my feed...
An accident, an injury, a brain bleed...
Terms I know too well on a path I've traveled too long..

My heart hurts and I don't even know their name...
I'm crying with parents, loved ones and friends...
Knowing that the pain and grief never ends...
Now I'm praying for someone I don't even know... never knew before...

My eyes turn loose of tears I'd held in from my own pain...
As I remember the early parts of my own journey...
I know what they can endure - what they may face...

Those long days of hoping, praying, believing...
Long nights just watching them keep breathing...
Don't stop.... please don't stop...

Then there's the waiting...
Dark nights, warm tears, terrible coffee...
Uncertainty abounds - so many ifs...

If there's a future what does it look like now?
If dreams are still valid...
If there's life after this...
If there's anything outside a waiting room... a hospital room...
If home exists... where do I fit...
If my loved one will ever speak, walk, wake, or move again...

What does life look like from the waiting room?
How can I find certainty for tomorrow when today's breath is already gone?
No thinking about tomorrow, this afternoon, or one minute away - only waiting...
Surviving one second at a time looking for one more breath to arise... hopefully
In me - in them - what is life anyway?

I'm hurting all over again for someone I do not know...
Someone like me...
So I pray - they find peace...
They find hope...
They get the answers they want but have grace to trust and deal with the ones they didn't want...

This someone I don't know - gets lots of prayers - but they will never know...

Balancing Acts

 As caregivers, we have LOTS of things to balance every second of every day! I'm literally sitting here with numerous things that HAVE t...