Tips for Building a Side Gig When You’re a Senior Caregiver


woman working at her computer

Photo by Pexels

As a senior caregiver, you may be interested in finding a side gig to supplement your income and boost your professional skills. At Daily Devotions For Caregivers, we know it can be difficult to balance work and other commitments, but with careful planning and research, you can find the right side gig that works for you and that doesn't contribute to burnout. If you're interested in developing a side gig, read on for tips on how to make it happen.

Benefits of a Side Gig

Having a side gig provides several benefits. It allows you to gain valuable experience in an area outside of your current job. It also allows you to network with professionals in different industries. A side gig also provides an extra source of income, which can help pay bills or enable you to save for future goals.

How to Choose the Right Side Gig

Choosing the right side hustle is important. Consider your skills and interests when looking at potential gigs. What are you passionate about? What do you excel at? Do you have any special qualifications or certifications? These questions should help narrow down which gigs will be best suited for you. Research each potential side hustle thoroughly. Look into what it involves day-to-day, its earning potential, how much time and energy it requires, etc. And take into account what will fit best with your lifestyle and schedule as a senior caregiver.

Draft a Business Plan

Once you’ve chosen your side gig, create an action plan of how you will get started. Determine exactly what tasks need to be completed first: Do you need any special licenses or permits? Are there any certifications or training required? Brainstorm ideas on marketing strategy and budgeting for necessary costs like web hosting or software subscriptions. Creating an organized business plan helps set up realistic goals and expectations that keep motivation levels high while pursuing this new venture.

Affordable Ways to Market Your Side Gig

Marketing is key when launching any kind of business or service; however, many businesses don’t have the resources necessary for expensive campaigns or promotions such as radio spots or television commercials. Thankfully, there are plenty of budget-friendly ways to market your side gig: use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential clients; join local networking events; use public relations tactics such as press releases; or post flyers in high-traffic areas like libraries or community centers near where seniors live.

Don't Overlook the Benefits of Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of data that allow for efficient communication and can be used on various social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram Stories to draw attention from followers who might not otherwise pay attention. Infographics can effectively present facts in detail while keeping them interesting and easy to understand, making this an ideal tool for quickly grabbing viewers’ attention. Creating your own infographic is pretty straightforward when you use free online design tools. With a template library, you can quickly customize an infographic that speaks to your services.

Choose the LLC

You may want to consider forming an LLC (Limited Liability Company) once you build up enough clientele and determine whether the revenue generated from your side hustle warrants this additional step of legal protection against personal liability should things not go as planned down the road—particularly in cases involving taxes, contracts signed with customers, property ownership related claims, etc. Designating yourself as an LLC helps ensure that all involved parties understand their liabilities if disputes arise regarding services provided by your side hustle business venture.


Finding a suitable side hustle can seem impossible at first, but is within reach when done methodically. Research gigs based on personal interest, develop a detailed business plan, and use budget-friendly methods of marketing — all these steps taken together help make sure that embarking on this endeavor puts you on solid ground to achieve greater financial success from your hard work!


The Best of Them

Chris sitting up at Project 34

 This morning, I woke up early and was "sorting through" several situations I'm dealing with. Okay, so I was worrying a little bit, okay? Lol. the list seems to be growing longer rather than shorter, really. I was seriously taking them all to God in prayer. I started thinking what a mess I've made in so many areas over my lifetime. I prayed about that too! Then, I started thinking about so many of the Bible characters. Some of them were real "characters" too. Not one of them was perfect and no one had everything together. I'm pretty sure that only in a make believe world everything is perfect.

I started running my mind through all the stories in the Bible, and not one of them displayed a perfect person, except Jesus, of course. There was Abraham, the friend of God. He lied about Sarah being his wife out of fear. Then there was David. The "man after God's own heart" who committed adultery and then murdered a man to cover it up. Peter denied that he even knew Jesus, again out of fear. Paul killed many Christians before his conversion. Moses was on the backside of the wilderness because he had fled after killing an Egyptian. No one was perfect, yet God met them right where they were in their rocky circumstances - and He still used them.

As I thought through this list of people God used, I reminded myself that He can see into my circumstances too - imperfect though they may be. Secretly, I was really excited to not be able to find anyone God visited in the Bible who was perfect or in perfect situations. That would indicate that we are not excluded either. If He'll visit Moses, David, Hagar, and the woman at the well (we don't even know her name!), He will visit us too. 

He never looks at our circumstances and declares them to be too complicated for Him to navigate. Wouldn't it be discouraging to get a note stating He'll visit once we get everything together? There isn't one account in the Word like that - He walked right into every situation no matter how messy and brought hope, peace, and love. He'll do the same for us today!

Today, I'm going to remind myself that God's not waiting on me to get everything in its proper place. He is only waiting on my open invitation. So, I'll invite Him to walk with me through this crazy day called "today" with me. I'll remind myself that He is present - in the mess, in the problems, in the situations because He wants to be. I'll take a big breath and breathe out silent thanksgiving to Him for just being with me right here and right now. Since I know how imperfect others He chose are - I know I'm hanging with the best of them. So, I will trust Him for one more day. Will you join me?

Casting Call

Chris holding a football

 Cares come in many shapes and sizes, don't they? As "care" givers, we have a lot of cares. Sometimes, I feel kinda silly that smaller things can carry so much emotional weight. But when you are already emotionally overloaded even the smallest thing weighs more. Something like my shoe coming untied can have me in tears or upset way beyond what it's worth, you know? (I hope you don't - but I suspect you do.)

This morning, I was running through my list of "cares" with God. I was going through each one, asking for wisdom, for His touch, direction, etc. By the time I got through my mental list, I was concerned about the first items all over again. So I just went back through them. Then I realized I was casting my cares over for Him to carry. I decided this is something I really need to work on - casting, then casting, again and again until I can let Him carry them all for me. So, today, I am determined to practice casting. To get good at something, anything, it take practice, right? Well, I want to get skilled at casting cares over to Him.

I love football, and so in my mind I'm drawing a parallel. The quarterback throws, laterals, or tosses the football to another player and then guess what. He lets him carry it toward the goal. He doesn't run over there and take the ball back from the receiver if he's not moving fast enough. That would make a ridiculous game, wouldn't it? We (or should I say - I), run around a lot more than we need to trying to take it all back from Him instead of letting Him carry said care in for the goal.

So, today, I will practice casting my cares over to Him and then letting Him carry them for me. If I need to do it a million times today - so be it! When anything bothering me, worrying me, or disrupting my peace comes to mind - I'm tossing it to Him. Then, I'll let Him carry it - I'll let Him care for me - meaning I don't have to do it anymore! And I will trust Him for just one more day. Do you have any cares you need to practice casting to Him? Will you join me?

Faith vs Fake


You can't really fake faith. We can't fake peace, either. We either have it or we don't. This morning, I don't feel like I have either one. Lol. Ever have those kinds of mornings? But when we know that God's peace and grace are right there, maybe just out of our soul's reach, sometimes, that is faith. Knowing that He's got us covered when we feel anything but - that really is faith. 

Many times on this caregiving journey, I've been angry with God. I know, you're not supposed to say that, right? But I think God honors honesty, and I've been downright mad that He let all this happen. I'll think, I'm just not going to pray and ask Him for anything anymore. That usually only lasts a few minutes until something else comes up, and I find myself right back at the foot of His throne, asking for help, guidance, provision, or peace. Lol. That's not lack of faith - it's frustration. I really think that continuing to run back to Him shows great faith. Even when we wait.

This morning, as my emotions were all over the place, I felt faithless. As time grew near for me to do my FaceBook Live devotions, "Peace Out," I kind of felt like a hypocrite. How do I talk about peace when I don't feel like I have it? I wondered if I was being fake. Then, I thought of a story in 2 Kings 4. The Shunammite woman's son had died, and she headed to see the Prophet, Elisha. When asked how she was and how her son and husband were, she said, all is well. But it wasn't. Her soul was in distress, and the prophet sensed it and got to the real issue. Of course, her son was raised from the dead later, but at the moment, she said all is well  - it was not well at all! Was that fake? Or was it faith?

I believe it is total faith when we come dragging our tattered souls back to the foot of His throne, with maybe a little sheer determination mixed in. Whether we think we have it all together or not, God just waits patiently for us to come. We can say, in faith, like the Shunammite woman, It is well, even when we don't feel it - because we know that He has us no matter what the day brings.

Today, I will just lean in to Him a little more. I'll trust that He has my soul wrapped up securely in His grace, so I can say it is well. I don't have to fake faith - not sure that's possible anyway. With all the strength I can muster, I will trust Him for today. Will you join me?

Self-Improvement 101 for Professional Caregivers


elderly man with his caregiver

Caregiving can be a wonderful career choice, allowing you to make a living while helping others who are vulnerable and in need. Emotionally, it can be very fulfilling. However, a caregiver's job can also be draining. If you don't take care of yourself, you risk experiencing caregiver burnout. To avoid this worst-case scenario, follow these actionable and affordable self-improvement tips for caregivers.

 Create a stress-busting toolkit

 Stress is a normal part of everyday life, especially if you have a high-pressure job like caregiving. However, if you don't manage your stress, it can have negative health effects, like increasing your risk of anxiety or depression. To control your stress, follow best practices like connecting with other people, making time for self-care, and avoiding unhealthy habits like smoking. Meditation is another great stress buster.

Spend more time in nature

 Spending time outdoors can be another way to reduce stress and improve mental and physical well-being. According to the Yale School of Environment, immersing yourself in nature can help promote emotional well-being. Consider taking up a hobby that lets you get outside, like hiking, geocaching, or gardening. You can also try outdoor sports, like mountain biking or trail running.

 Improve your diet

Your diet impacts both your physical and mental health. You want to eat nutritious foods, including a balanced mix of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. However, as a busy caregiver, finding time for healthy cooking isn't easy. Learn how to make healthy choices when you're going out for food. For example, when getting fast food, skip fried goods, opt for smaller portions, and drink water instead of soda.

 Get more sleep

 Sleep allows your body and mind to rest, refresh, and rejuvenate. Most adults need at least seven hours of sleep per night. If you aren't getting the recommended amount of Z's, revisit your bedtime routine. The Mayo Clinic offers practical pointers for getting more shut-eye, like maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedroom environment, and including physical activity in your daily routine.

 Enhance your fitness routine

 Regular exercise doesn't just help you sleep better at night. It can also boost your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of certain ailments, like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. If you hate going to the gym, look for workouts you can do at home. These also save time. Popular home workouts range from cycling—you just need an exercise bike—to yoga, for which you just need a mat.

 Realize that caregiving isn't your only career option

 If you want to change careers, you could use a resume builder to update your C.V. and start looking. Pick from professionally designed templates and then personalize the text, photos, and colors. Another option is to start your own business. Forming a limited liability company, LLC, can streamline your administrative paperwork and provide tax perks. Make sure to follow your state's guidelines for LLC formation. For example, you'll want to hire a registered agent service to accept legal documents and mail on your business's behalf.

 Connect with other caregivers

 Whether you're struggling to get a handle on stress or contemplating a career change, it can be helpful to talk to others who are familiar with your position. Touching base with other caregivers is a great way to get some additional support. Very Well Health offers a list of caregiver support groups you can consult, including The Caregiver Action Network, The Alzheimer's Foundation of America, and the Family Caregiver Alliance.

 As a caregiver, you're automatically inclined to focus on others' well-being. However, it's important to take time for yourself too. By taking steps to improve your own life, like starting a business, you can safeguard your own health and happiness.


For more content that inspires and supports caregivers, visit the Daily Devotions for Caregivers blog.

The Process

Bible and my music notebook

 There is a lot to process in a day, no matter how peaceful the day is and whether or not you get bad or good news. But as caregivers, we have to process everything through caregiving. I hope that made sense. Here's where I am coming from. Yesterday, my sweet aunt fell very, very ill and is currently in the hospital in ICU. With this type of news, there are lots of emotions to work through. As I went in to care for my son this morning, I thought - I don't get a break; I still need to take care of him, even though I'm processing my own emotional baggage here. 

Then, I thought back over the last couple of years. My mom passed away, and I still took care of Chris. My daddy passed away - and I still took care of Chris. My aunt, who I was also an LD caregiver for passed away. And - you guessed it - I still took care of Chris. There are good things, too - my niece got married - I still took care of Chris. Two nieces had babies, joyous occasions, for sure. But I'm still taking care of my son. Lol. Everything seems to get filtered through caregiving because it's the top item on our list.

If we get an invite - the process of sorting through information to see if it is feasible to be able to attend begins. Do I need a sitter? Can I afford a sitter? Will I need new clothes? Do I have time to order them, or do I have time to shop (with Chris in tow, of course)? 

Those who are not caregivers will never understand the detailed, sometimes complex process we must go through, even when it seems like a simple life event. The good thing is that even though people may not understand how complicated daily tasks like just a run to the store may be for the caregiver - God gets us. Actually, He understands each minute detail and heart-wrenching emotion we may have to work through to make a simple decision. In Psalm 139, David says it like this:

O Lord, You have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

You discern my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down and

are acquainted with all my ways.

Even before a word is on my tongue, behold,

O Lord, You know it altogether. (ESV)

It's amazing to me to know - that God knows. He knows all the off-the-wall thoughts and emotions that go through my head and my soul. Yet, He still willingly searches out my path. While I find it amazing that He continues to search out my path - it's even more amazing to me that He does it willingly and on purpose. He never walks away shaking His head because He doesn't understand me. My thoughts never throw Him off - and that's sayin' somethin' right there!

Today, I want to move out of the way so God can clearly see my heart, hear my thoughts, and search the path of my feet - wherever today may take them. I'm not sure I can even describe the peace as it wells up in my heart when I let go. I'll stop trying to "protect" God from my thoughts, my emotions, and my pain. Instead, I'll trust that He's already discovered the path of my feet, and He has already covered it in His grace - grace for the journey. I can trust Him for that - will you join me?

That Catalyst

chris and kyrie

 I just love finding "new" things when I read the Bible. I"m reading it through again this year, but I've slowed down in the first few chapters of Exodus. We know God's word doesn't change, but how we see it often does. I don't know how many times I've read the account of Moses and the burning bush, but this morning, there was a phrase that caught my attention. I am reading the English Standard Version this year.

In Exodus 3, we find Moses hanging out on the back side of the desert. He is there because he killed an Egyptian and fled in fear. But here God is getting Moses' attention with a bush that is burning but not burning up. God begins telling Moses of the mission he is being sent on - go back to Egypt and get My people! Moses has all sorts of arguments, but he starts with who am I? 

In just a couple of chapters, Moses has been born, spared by being put in a basket, raised in the Egyptian pharaoh's house, realized he was not Egyptian, killed a man, and ran to the back side of the wilderness. He's also found a friend in Jethro and married his daughter, and had children. So Moses was not totally alone, even though he was separated from his family. 

We tend to ask Moses' question a lot, who am I? Why would God want to use me? How in the world could God use me? Like Moses, we don't quite fit in with any crowd or people group, and as caregivers, we often find ourselves in the back side of life's wilderness. However, I loved God's reply to Moses. Moses knows who he is not - he's not really an Egyptian, but he doesn't fit in with the Children of Israel either. Perhaps he suffered from some identity crisis. Who knows?

God's answer is not grammatically correct. Lol. (Yes, I am the grammar police!) His reply to Moses' question started with, But I will be with you... Everyone knows you're not supposed to start a sentence with and or but. Lol. God did. I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty certain that Moses was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the situation. Can't we relate to that? God did not reaffirm Moses' list of whys. He didn't even acknowledge Moses' shortcomings. He simply said - But I will be with you...

That phrase this morning was a catalyst for my emotions. Just knowing that no matter where life takes me or what it throws at me - God willingly walks through it with me. Now, thankfully, He's not sending me on some big mission. But He has got me caring for one of His kids, as are you. It's safe to assume that He is with us too!

Today, I will remind myself that God's "but" can change my circumstances too. I'll meditate on how He chooses to be with us - like, on purpose, even. He's with us because He wants to be. No one is coercing or convincing God that we need Him here - He chooses to say to us today - But I will be with you. And in that truth, I can choose to rest in Him and trust Him for one more day on the back side of the wilderness. Will you join me?

Honesty Goes a Long Way!

 I think one of the things I love about the Psalms is how open and honest the psalmists are about their feelings. They don't seem to hol...