No Recalls Issued!

Chris and his little ornery look

 Do you ever wonder why there are so many recalls? It seems like it used to pertain just to vehicles. Some little or big part wasn't functioning right and had caused or could potentially cause damage. So they recalled the part and replaced it for free. Over the years, other items were recalled. Things like car seats, blenders, cell phones, and who knows what else! Some sort of manufacturer's defect was discovered and a recall was issued in an attempt to prevent injuring innocent consumers, right?

This morning during my devotions, it hit me that heaven doesn't issue recalls! There's never been a recall on His peace. Jesus told us He was leaving it here for us - and He's not going to take that back! God's love hasn't been recalled. Romans 8 tells us it remains no matter what we walk through - there is literally absolutely nothing that can separate us from His love. And He's not taking that back!

I haven't seen a recall issued on His grace either. His grace remains. It carries us, sustains us, and helps us find Him when we are in trouble. There's never been a recall on mercy either. You see where I'm going, right? There has never been - nor will there ever be a recall issued from heaven. Everything God has ever given us - stands. It will remain throughout time. We can continue to trust His strength, mercy, grace, and love to get us through our days here on earth.

Now, look at this. In Isaiah 41:10 He says Do not be afraid, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you. I don't know about you - but that's a lot! And there will be no recalls - he will continue to strengthen us, help us, uphold us... even today!

So, today, I will remind myself that God is still right here with me. I will turn my thoughts to His ever-abiding presence - and He won't be issuing a recall! My meditations will be on how He sustains me right here, right now. I'll think about how He has "kept" me hidden in Himself and how He will continue to do it. I'll find that peace that comes from understanding that He won't give up, let up, or pull out when things get tough. I'll trust that today - He's right here with me and He's not going anywhere today. Will you join me?


If you enjoy these devotionals, I have others! I've expanded my bookstore on Amazon. My devotionals are available in Kindle or print format. The new Bible study guides are now available on Kindle and in print! Check out my growing bookstore: My Bookshelf

I also recently opened my own bookstore. I'm presently filling it up with my books - check out the ones I have available in eBook format. You can download them and read them on your phone! Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore.

The Smallest Things

I'm helping Chris stand in the standing frame in our apartment in Norman

 I realized a few years ago that I was turning my thoughts into prayers. As thoughts came across my mind, I began to phrase them as questions for God. I turned to asking Him for wisdom, desiring direction, or pursuing answers from His word. When you spend day after day alone with your own thoughts and no one to talk to - it can get a little interesting, can't it?

I talk to God about the littlest and silliest things sometimes. Like how the intricacies of a flower petal are so perfect yet unique. Or how silly a bug looks. But I talk to Him about the big stuff too - like finances, caregiving, and the heavier things on my heart, and the things that trouble my mind. And you know what? He likes it that way! He really does want to hear what's on our hearts. I believe He enjoys us sharing all the little details and big prayer requests as well. Why? It's open communication - relationship.

Sometimes, I wonder if God should be "bothered" with my mental mumblings. But then I am reminded that sometimes, it's the smallest things that help solidify relationships. My BFF and I have been friends for over 50 years and we can talk about anything at any given time! We know each other and no detail is to big or small for us to share. It's part of what makes us friends. 

God desires that kind of relationship with us as well, I really believe that. We've missed a lot by thinking that prayer is just taking Him a laundry list of all the things we need. But He wants to hear from us more - and more often. We can bring Him all the big stuff, sure - but we can bring Him all the tiny stuff too!

Today, I will focus more on turning all my thoughts into conversations with God. I'll bring all the big stuff, and the smallest stuff to Him today. I'll let Him sort through what is "important" - because what's really important to Him, I believe, is our communion with Him. So, today I'll "talk His ear off"! Will you join me?


31 Days in Psalm 31 devotional book cover

Check out my bookstores. I have eBook devotionals, Bible study guides, poetry, and more in my Dove's Fire Ministries bookstore. My Amazon bookshelf has a couple of those in print or on Kindle. My devotional 31 Days in Psalm 31 is all about seeking God from the cave! Check it out!

Emotional Roller Coaster Rides


Chris giving me "the look"

This morning, I was talking to a friend about emotional health. We were rolling lots of thoughts and strategies around. The topic came up because during my Facebook live devotions (video below), I mentioned I wasn't bragging, but I can go from the apex of wonderful to the valley of despair in as fast las two seconds. I think all caregivers may have those moments. We talk a lot about how difficult caregiving can be logistically and physically. But we often forget how often we deal with emotional roller coasters.

In a given day, hour, or minute even, we can swing from elation to weeping, from crying to joy. Back and forth it goes all day some days. If we are lucky, we land somewhere on solid ground in between. Over the years, I've learned some personal strategies that have started to help me balance emotions out more quickly so that I don't end up in the valley of weeping all day long.

Managing my day as much as possible helps me keep some of the in check. Identifying the boom before the big drop helps me be more proactive. If I can sense the emotional drop coming on, I can change up what I am doing - go for a walk, read a book, watch a movie, sit down for a cup of tea - anything to change up my mood so I don't crash usually helps. I may play the piano or put on some 70s music and dance around the house. I look funny - but I feel better! lol Do you have some strategies you can share?

This all brings to mind the verse in Hosea 2. In verse 15, God says He will turn the Valley of Achor into a door of hope. Achor can be translated as pain, but the NLT translates it as trouble. Either way - no matter what we are going through, God will open a door of hope. If we can work through our emotional adventures (that's a more positive term, right?), we'll see hope open up on the other side. We may need to wipe away a few tears and tilt our head one way or the other - but eventually we will be able to see and experience hope. God will not leave us alone in our pain or stress. He comes to us and stays with us - as long as we need Him. 

Today, I declare that I need Him! I have no doubt that I cannot do this caregiving thing on my own and my intense need for help drives me right to His heart. What do we find there, but His heart beating for us. I'll remind myself that He meets us in our moment of need - that moment we know we need Him above all. He holds us. He sings over us. He comforts us. He helps us. He provides for us - on every level from our finances, to health, to emotional support. He is here for us. Say it out loud with me - God is here for me today! I will trust Him for today - will you join me in this pursuit?

My facebook devotions this morning:


If you enjoy these devotionals, I have others! I've expanded my bookstore on Amazon. My devotionals are available in Kindle or print format. The new Bible study guides are now available on Kindle and in print! Check out my growing bookstore: My Bookshelf

I also recently opened my own bookstore. I'm presently filling it up with my books - check out the ones I have available in eBook format. You can download them and read them on your phone! Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore.

Constants vs Variables


Chris giving us "the look"

I love algebra, maybe because I like a good challenge! As a matter of fact, I loved algebra so much, that I became a math teacher. This morning, I was thinking about how far behind I am with work and how demanding caregiving can be when it comes to organizing time. My mind wandered off to the bills I need to pay, dealing with Chris' health issues, and how to juggle my clients most effectively. 

Then I thought about how our lives can be in a constant state of flux. We never know what a day will bring and how fast our circumstances can change. I say this after a week-long unexpected stay in the hospital with my son. What does that have to do with math? I am so glad you asked!!!

Things change - that's the variable. An example of an algebraic equation might be 2x + 4 = 24. (Don't worry- I won't ask you to solve it!) The numbers are constants. That means they will not change, but that little "x"? He is a variable, meaning he could be anything. Variables change. The value of the "x" in this equation is 10. But put that x in another equation and it would have a totally different value. The point is that variables change in value, or they vary. Constants will always be the same, meaning a 2 is always a 2, etc.

But it's that little x that worries people, right? Mostly because it can change. It's easy to spend so much time worrying about things that change that we miss the things that don't. What am I getting at? I'm learning to shift my focus to things that don't change and off of things that do. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day caregiving stuff. And while I need to take care of all those responsibilities, my focus needs to be on things that don't change.

For example - God's love is never going to change. His peace will remain. He continues to cover us and carry us with His grace. His mercy is always here to help in our time of need - and He will remain present...always.

Today, I will shift my focus and my heart from the variables in my life to the constants. I'll direct my thoughts to His presence, peace, and passionate pursuit of my heart. And the second I feel that sense of peace He gives - I'll rest and let Him carry me through the rest of my day. Will you join me?


Check out my bookstores! Downloadable eBooks are on my DFM website. Print and Kindle books are available on my Amazon store shelf.

The Unexpected

Chris watching tv in the hospital

Well, we ended up spending this last week in the hospital. As caregivers, we can be forced to deal with the unexpected a lot, right? No matter how organized we are, how detailed we get, or how carefully we plan - we just never know what a day will bring. Sometimes we trust Him as we fly by the seat of our pants and hold on to the proverbial last strand of the rope. Then things settle back down and we begin to see how He orchestrated everything for our good. But it's not always easy to see it when we are in it.

Afterward, we see how He sustained us, helped us, and even carried us. That's the beauty of hindsight, right? I don't know how long you've been on your caregiving journey, but I'm working on 14 years now. I must say as I look over this last decade and a half, I see God's sustaining power. Through the times I felt like I couldn't make it - to the times when I thought I had made it - but soon fell apart at His feet once again - He's been there all along. 

He never tells us to "get it together" before we come to Him. Instead, He gives us an open invitation to bring our hearts, minds, emotions, and brokenness to Him time after time. He even waits for us to come to Him. Isaiah 30:18 says The Lord waits to be gracious to YOU! He's there for the expected and the unexpected. He never says that He didn't see something coming, can't deal with it, or doesn't know what to do with our situations or us. He just waits until we realize we need His grace to make it one more day.

Today, I'm going to run to Him - since He's waiting for me and all. (smile) I will remind myself that He's closer than a breath away whether I feel it or not. He is longing to pour out His grace to us, in us, and through us. I'm guessing the amount of grace He can lavish on us is proportionate to our need for Him. Today, I need Him a whole lot! How about you? I'm starting to think that the best place to be is in that place of awareness when we realize our great need for Him to work in our lives. That place where we wait for Him and there is no other option. Today, I know I need Him and I'm waiting on Him - will you join me?


If you enjoy these devotionals, I have others! I've expanded my bookstore on Amazon. My devotionals are available in Kindle or print format. The new Bible study guides are now available on Kindle and in print! Check out my growing bookstore: My Bookshelf

I also recently opened my own bookstore. I'm presently filling it up with my books - check out the ones I have available in eBook format. You can download them and read them on your phone! Dove's Fire Ministries Bookstore.

Voided Warranty

working on standing with Chris

This morning I was thinking about how we can feel the effect of God's peace, love, grace, and mercy even if we don't see Him. I shared in my Facebook live devotion this morning about being able to see the sun's effect without actually being able to see the sun. (See video below!) While I was talking about that I had this brief thought that has been my meditation since I finished the devotion.

I said that there's no way to void God's "warranty." Ever buy something and if you open it wrongly or do something they deem "wrong" it will void the warranty and the company will no longer cover or service it? I'm so thankful that God isn't like that. His peace, grace, mercy, love, and everything else can't be "voided" by our negligent or purposeful actions. He doesn't take any of these or His many other attributes and blessings back because of our actions. We may choose to ignore His peace (like I do sometimes when I am mad at life), but it's still right there when we need it. It's still available for us to apply to our hearts and lives. He won't take it back even if we choose to step outside of it. We can't "void" its warranty. 

This is one of the things I talk about a lot in our caregiver devotions. Our lives don't get too complicated or ugly for Him to take back any of His promises. His grace doesn't diminish and His peace won't run out even though we keep them running full throttle with our day-to-day lives as caregivers. He never gets tired of us - and He encourages us to keep running to Him - rather than running away from Him.

We can't surprise Him or startle Him with our crazy responses, questions, or situations. I love that. He won't disqualify us for His grace, mercy, or peace. Actually, He lavishes it on us even more because He knows we need it. He told Paul that His grace was sufficient. Since we know that He is enough for all we need or desire - we can trust that His grace is enough to carry us through and we will not do anything to void His warranty! It's just up to us to continue to trust in Him as we navigate through our days caring for our loved ones.

Today, I will remind myself that His grace is enough to sustain me, help me, carry me when needed. My meditations will be on how He is so consistently grace-full, mercy-full, and patient with me. He even puts up with my tirades and fits. But He still chooses to be there for me and with me. I'll remind myself that His grace, love, mercy, and peace won't ever expire and I'm not capable of wearing them out, using them up, or voiding their warranties! Then, I will trust Him for today - will you join me?

Where is "HERE"?

Eli walking alongside Chris' wheelchair at the Draper Lake trails.

Do you ever just assess your life? As caregivers, we can have such a sense of loss. Caregiving puts so many demands on us. Many have to change occupations or quit their jobs altogether to have the time to invest in caring for a loved one. We may grieve the loss of a lifestyle we enjoyed before caregiving. Sometimes, we feel the loss of freedom as we may not be able to just jump and run when we want to or hang out with friends freely. We may live with grief that stems from losing a person - while they are still here. This is the case with my son and with caregivers of loved ones with dementia. The sense of loss and feelings of grief can come from so many different areas in our lives, that they are often overlooked, or at best difficult to identify.

After I did this morning's Facebook Live devotional "Peace Out!", I took my own personal assessment. (See video below!) I walked through my apartment and every few steps, I told myself "God is right here!" I'd take a few steps or go to another room and say, "You are here!" I did this all around my apartment - mostly to remind myself that He is here - wherever "here" is! 

Whether we are with family, at the hospital, in a nursing home, or right here in our comfy apartment, God is in our HERE! It helps me keep my attitude straight for the day when I realize that God doesn't put a limitation on where He'll meet with us. He came to Hagar two times in her time of need. Jesus went through Samaria, the Jews' "other side of the tracks" to meet with the Samaritan woman who doesn't even have a name! He didn't need a drink of water - He went there for her! 

No matter what our HERE looks like, He is there! He is HERE! 

Today, I will remind myself that God is in my here - He's been in every "here" so far and He's not changing now! I'll meditate on the truth that He simply cannot leave us and He won't leave us now. I'll be thankful that He is right here with me and my son no matter what turns this day may take - He won't abandon. I'll trust Him to be "here" today - will you join me in your "here"?

I Will declarations book cover

Check out my ebook store where you'll find these "I Will" Declarations from Psalms for just a buck! Download it today! I also have devotionals, study guides, poetry books, and free stuff! My Amazon bookshelf has some of these books on Kindle and for print - check them out!

Balancing Acts

 As caregivers, we have LOTS of things to balance every second of every day! I'm literally sitting here with numerous things that HAVE t...